Jan 22 – 26, 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone


Registration of Computers is mandatory at CERN: register your portable computer.

  1. Visitors WITHOUT a CERN Computing Account:
  2. Visitors or CERN users WITH a CERN NICE/mail account:
    • Register here (Attention: CERN Intranet page - register when at CERN)

Workshop Overview

This workshop will cover:

For each LHC experiment, detailed plans / requirements / timescales for 2007 activities.

Exactly what (technical detail) is required where (sites by name), by which date, coordination & follow-up, responsibles, contacts, etc etc

There will also be an initial session covering the status of the various software / middleware and outlook.

Most sessions will take place in the CERN main auditorium.

160 1-009 has been reserved from 16:00 - 18:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for potential BOFs, with the IT amphitheatre also available in this time slot, Wednesday included.

Please note that the experiment visit on Thursday afternoon is for a maximum of 50 people. Register early!
Please note that, due to the limited number of places, priority will be given to people from outside CERN.

A WLCG Collaboration Board (closed) meeting is foreseen for the afternoon of Thursday January 25 2007

A VOM(R)S workshop runs in parallel the full week

A dCache workshop will be held at DESY in the week prior to the WLCG Collaboration workshop.

Possible BOFs (see wikipedia entry under "Birds of a Feather")

  • Sharing tips & tricks between sites
  • h/w choices (farm nodes, storage - disk, tape & media etc.)
  • Monitoring in its various guises: service monitoring, site monitoring, Grid monitoring, experiment dashboards...
  • Remote management of Tier 2s
  • Site management tools (best practices, security, ...)
  • WAN routing problems and how to debug them
  • GGUS feedback and issues
  • ...
(Not an exhaustive list...)

Workshop Wiki

Please enter any comments / suggestions here

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
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