Jun 18 – 19, 2015
GB timezone

The aim of the project is create a European equivalent of the "Accelerators for America's Future" document. The European document will be entitled "The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe" and is intended for policy makers. As a result, it will be in two parts: (1) an executive summary, focussing on the main issues for each country and in the correct language; and (2) a supporting document in English.

The focus will be on applications of interest in Europe and for which technology developed for research can have an impact.

This meeting will be the start of the process and its objective is to bring together people who are interested in this activity and willing to contribute to it. It will take place in the building that hosts the Royal Academy of Engineering in central London, Prince Philip House.

It is being organised by Work Package 4 of the EuCARD2 FP7 project and an International Organising Committee consisting of the following members:

  • Roy Aleksan (CEA)
  • Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (GSI & Darmstadt)
  • Phil Burrows (Oxford)
  • Angeles Faus-Golfe (IFIC Valencia) - Chair
  • Steve Myers (CERN)
  • Andrea Pisent (INFN LNL)
  • Rob Edgecock (Huddersfield & STFC) - WP4 coordinator
  • Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN) - EuCARD2 Communications

Further, the following conveners have agreed to lead the activities in each application area:

  • Energy: Jean-Luc Biarrott, Alban Mosnier, Ernest Mund
  • Health: Manjit Dosanjh, Hywel Owen
  • Industry, Environment & Security: Graeme Burt, Massimo Chiari, Andrzej Chmielewski, Frank-Holm Roegner, Roger Webb
  • Photons: Lenny Rivkin
  • Neutrons: Mats Lindroos


For further information, please contact Angeles Faus-Golfe , Rob Edgecock or one of the conveners. For support, please contact Maria Teresa Andreu.



Al Qasimi Lecture Theatre
Royal Academy of Engineering, Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5DG