1–5 Sept 2015
Queen Mary University of London
Europe/London timezone

Measurements of jet and photon production in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector (20+10min)

1 Sept 2015, 16:30
UG1 (G.O. Jones)


G.O. Jones

Hard QCD Hard QCD


Hector De La Torre (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid-Unknown-Unknown) Hector De La Torre Perez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES))


Cross sections for jet and isolated photon production in pp collisions have been measured by the ATLAS collaboration at 7 and 8 TeV. Double­-differential cross sections for inclusive, di­, and tri­-jet final states are measured and compared to expectations based on next-­to­-leading order QCD calculations as well as to next­-to­-leading order Monte Carlo simulations. First LHC Run­2 results will be included if available. Cross­-sections for four­-jet production in 8 TeV pp collisions are measured differentially in a variety of kinematic variables, and are compared to a range of leading order Monce Carlo calculations as well as to state­-of­-the­-art next­-to­-leading order fixed­-order calculations. The observables studied include the momenta, masses, minimum and maximum angles between two or three jets, amongst others. Inclusive prompt photon cross sections have been measured precisely over a wide range of transverse momenta at different centre­of mass energies. These experimental results are c​ompared to next-to-leading order QCD calculations with different models of ​the parton content of the proton.


Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala University (SE))


Cristobal Padilla Aranda (IFAE-Barcelona (ES))

Presentation materials