1–5 Sept 2015
Queen Mary University of London
Europe/London timezone

New PDF4LHC recommendations for parton distribution uncertainties for the LHC run-II era (20+10min)

3 Sept 2015, 12:30
Physics Lecture Theatre (G.O. Jones)

Physics Lecture Theatre

G.O. Jones



Albert De Roeck (CERN)


In 2010 the PDF discussion forum PDF4LHC provided a recommendation for parton distributions and uncertainties based on existing PDF sets from different PDF fitting groups. These recommendations have been widely used, notably in the LHC Higgs study groups, and for experimental result systematics by the experiments. PDF4LHC has worked over the past few years to re-evalute the procedures and recommendation. A new recommendation will be released which will take advantage of META-PDF and CMC-PDF techniques. This contribution will detail the new recommendation.


Presentation materials