1–5 Sept 2015
Queen Mary University of London
Europe/London timezone

Di-photon and photon-hadron correlations at the LHC

2 Sept 2015, 15:10
208 (G.O. Jones)


G.O. Jones

Multi-parton Dynamics Multi-parton dynamics


Amir Rezaeian (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)


I will discuss recent developments in calculation of prompt di-photon and photon-hadron production in proton-nucleus collisions within the Color-Glass-Condensate approach. I will discuss in details whether there is a ridge like structure in di-photon and photon-hadron correlations in high-multiplicity events in proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC. Such measurements at the LHC and future colliders provides useful complementary information about the underlying dynamics of particle production in high-multiplicity events, and help to understand the true nature of the observed ridge phenomenon in di-hadron production at the LHC.


Amir Rezaeian (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)

Presentation materials