1–5 Sept 2015
Queen Mary University of London
Europe/London timezone

Approximate N3LO: Higgs and more (15+5min)

2 Sept 2015, 18:10
UG1 (G.O. Jones)


G.O. Jones

Hard QCD Hard QCD


Marco Bonvini (University of Oxford)


I will describe how approximate higher order results can be obtained from known asymptotic regimes, in turn determined by all-order resummed expressions. Specifically, threshold (large-x) resummation combined with high-energy (small-x) resummation can lead to reliable determinations of inclusive N3LO cross sections such as those of Higgs, $t\bar t$ or Drell-Yan productions. The method is validated against known lower-order results, and includes an estimate of the uncertainty associated with the approximation itself.


Marco Bonvini (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials