HeavyQuarks+PDFs: Joint session
- Jun Gao (Southern Methodist University)
- Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University (US))
- Ringaile Placakyte (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
- Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- Lucian Harland-Lang (University College London)
HeavyQuarks+PDFs: Joint session
- Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University (US))
- Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- Ringaile Placakyte (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
- Jun Gao (Southern Methodist University)
- Lucian Harland-Lang (University College London)
Marco Bonvini
(University of Oxford)
04/09/2015, 15:00
Heavy Quarks
I will discuss the inclusion of an intrinsic component of the Charm PDF to the FONLL variable flavour number scheme, and the implications for a PDF fit.
Ronan James Wallace
(University College Dublin (IE))
04/09/2015, 15:30
LHCb's unique forward acceptance allow for complementary measurements of
production processes of electroweak bosons and quarkonia at large
rapidities and low transverse momenta. A review of the latest results based
on run 1 data will be presented.
Alexander Law
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
04/09/2015, 16:30
Heavy Quarks
The production of heavy flavour in association with a W or Z boson represent important backgrounds to Higgs and BSM studies and are challenging to calculate in QCD. Several precision measurements were performed using pp data at 7 TeV of integrated as well as differential cross sections. Comparisons are made to a diverse set of state-ofthe-art NLO QCD calculations, some of which are...
Jelena Luetic
(Institute Rudjer Boskovic (HR))
04/09/2015, 17:00
Heavy Quarks
Accurate modeling of V+jets is important for many measurements at the LHC. W/Z+jets is for example a dominant background for precision top quark measurements. After the discovery of the Higgs boson and the beginning of the Higgs precision measurement era, accurate modeling of the background processes is essential. Many searches for physics beyond standard model also rely on precise SM...
Philip Ilten
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
04/09/2015, 17:30
Heavy Quarks
LHCb has a unique capability to separate beauty and charm jets. We present
recent results on jet tagging performance, W+b,c jets and the observation of
the top quark in the forward acceptance at the LHC.