- Marcello Lossasso
Communication plan -->Agnes
Network of TT (to be appointed / discussion as well in SC and/or GB) --> Marcello
Identification of key technology (definition and indicators) ---> Marcello, all
PoC – selection & award criteria (to propose for adoption to GB) – selection committee composition --> Marcello, all
Industrial Events --> all
a plan for the T2.5 (companies to involve, how and what, schedule) ---> Thomas
Regarding T2.2, discussion if not presentation to the plenary session on Wednesday morning. (Agnes)
Marcello Losasso
03/06/2015, 14:20
Marcello Losasso
03/06/2015, 14:40
Marcello Losasso
03/06/2015, 15:00
Thomas Bergauer
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
03/06/2015, 15:40