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3–7 Nov 2015
Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Zurich timezone

Description of multipole asymmetries with Buda Lund hydrodynamical model

5 Nov 2015, 17:05
Main Auditorium (Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology)

Main Auditorium

Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of Technology Central Campus ul. Rektorska 00-614 Warszawa, Poland


Sándor Lökös


The Buda-Lund hydro model describes an expanding ellipsoidal fireball, and fits the observed elliptic flow and the second order HBT oscillations successfully. If the finite number of nucleons are taken into account then the shape of the fireball fluctuates on an event-by-event basis and specifies the final state asymmetries which can be translated into a series of multipole anisotropy coefficients. These anisotropies then result in measurable phase-space anisotropies, to be measured with respect to their respective symmetry planes. In my talk I present an updated, multipole version of the Buda-Lund model and investigate the resulting higher order flow coefficients and the oscillations of the HBT radii.

Primary author

Sándor Lökös

Presentation materials