ACAT 2016
Bulletin 1, July 2015
Dear Colleague,
This is the first announcement of the ACAT 2016 meeting, which will take place in Valparaíso (Chile) at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) for five days between Monday, January 18 and Friday, January 22, 2016. Participation in the full program will entail arrival no later than Sunday evening and departure no earlier than Friday evening.
The 17th edition of ACAT aims to once again bring together computer science researchers and practitioners, and researchers from particle and nuclear physics, astronomy and astrophysics and accelerator science to explore and confront the boundaries of computing, of automated data analysis as well as theoretical calculation technologies. It will create a forum for exchanging ideas among the fields and will explore and promote cutting-edge computing, data analysis and theoretical calculation technologies in fundamental physics research.
More information is provided below. A second bulletin will be circulated in September 2016. It will include more detailed information (registration, hotel reservation, etc.) on the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in Valparaiso in January! Best wishes,
Luis Salinas, for the Local Organizing Committee of ACAT 2016
- UTFSM, Valparaíso, Department of Physics
- UTFSM, Valparaíso, Department of Computer Sciences
- University of Bío-Bío, Chillán, Department of Basic Sciences
- University of Chile, Santiago, Center for Mathematical Modeling
- National Laboratory for High Performance Computing
The ACAT Workshop series has a long tradition starting in 1990 (Lyon, France), and takes place in intervals of a year and a half. Formerly these workshops were known under the name AIHENP (Artificial Intelligence for High Energy and Nuclear Physics). These workshops are mainly focused to bring together experimental and theoretical high energy physicists and computer scientists, in order to exchange knowledge and experience in computing system architectures, algorithms for data analysis, and algorithms and extended calculations in high energy physics. In addition, contributions in theoretical high energy physics (including lattice calculations), nuclear physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics, seismology, and others, are very welcome.
January 18 - January 22, 2016 (Monday-Friday) on the campus of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), in Valparaíso, Chile.
Please note that during the preceding week, January 7-12 (Thursday-Tuesday), a complementary workshop “HEP in the LHC Era,” will take place at the same location. Furthermore, an HEP School for graduate students will take place between the two workshops, in the period January 13-16 (Wednesday-Saturday), at the same location.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by IOP with open access.
ACAT Workshops have plenary and parallel sessions during the five-day conference. The parallel sessions cover the following areas:
- Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research
- Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
- Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
In addition, talks related with high energy physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics, seismology, and others, will be included in Track 3.
The arrival to Chile is usually by plane, with arrivals at the Santiago international airport. From there, the easiest way to travel to Valparaíso or Viña del Mar is to take first the Centropuerto (blue) bus or TurBus (green) bus from the airport to the bus station Los Pajaritos (pronounced: Pahharitos). This takes about 20 minutes and costs about 2,500 CLP (Chilean Pesos), equivalent to about 4 USD. Ask the driver to drop you there. At Los Pajaritos bus station you can buy a bus ticket (Pullman or TurBus) to Valparaíso or Viña del Mar. The entire travel from the airport to Valparaíso or to Viña del Mar takes no more than two hours, and costs no more than 8,000 CLP (13 USD).
The Bus Terminal in Viña del Mar is near downtown, and about 1 km from Hotel San Martín. You should take a taxi from the Bus Terminal to your hotel (the price should be less than $ 5,000 CLP/8 USD). If you arrive in Valparaíso, the bus station is in the downtown area.
Taxi: There is a taxi service from the airport, called "Taxioficial," round-the-clock. The price is about 90,000 CLP (150 USD) per taxi to Viña del Mar; the taxi can carry up to 3 persons with luggage. Web page:, Tel. (+56-2)-6019880.
If you decide to take a taxi of a private taxi driver, you should try to negotiate the price in advance.
Some links to the hotels in Viña del Mar : (bookings at: (bookings at: (bookings at: (bookings at:
A link to a hotel in Valparaíso: (Hotel Diego de Almagro)
Other hotels in Valparaíso, usually cheaper than in Viña del Mar:
More details will be given in the next bulletin and on the web page of the workshop later.
A welcome reception will take place on the first day, Monday January 18, in the afternoon. On Thursday January 21 in the evening the workshop dinner will take place. The costs of the welcome reception and of the workshop dinner will be included in the workshop registration fee.
On Wednesday January 20 in the afternoon, some touring companies will be presented for you to hire tours in the Valparaíso region, at your own cost.
The social program is open also to spouses: the welcome reception at no additional cost; the dinner and the tour at a (reasonable) additional cost.
Second Bulletin: July 2015 (call for contributions, more details about hotels, etc.)
Abstracts submission deadline: November 1st 2015
Contribution acceptance announced: November 15
Paper submission by: February 29, 2016
More details can be found on the workshop web site (
For question related to the local organization, transport, hotels, etc.:
Claudia Arancibia, email:
phone: +56-32 265 4423
Department of Computer Sciences, UTFSM, Valparaíso, Chile.