Markus Fasel
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
21/01/2016, 14:00
Computing Technology for Physics Research
High-Performance Computing Systems are powerful tools tailored to support large-scale applications that rely on low-latency inter-process communications to run efficiently. By design, these systems often impose constraints on application workflows, such as limited external network connectivity and whole node scheduling, that make more general-purpose computing tasks, such as those commonly...
Dzmitry Makatun
(Faculity of Nuclear Physics and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
21/01/2016, 14:25
Computing Technology for Physics Research
Distributed data processing has found its application in many fields of science (High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HENP), astronomy, biology to name only those). We have focused our research on distributed data production which is an essential part of computations in HENP. Using our previous experience, we have recently proposed a new scheduling approach for distributed data production which is...
Manuel Giffels
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
21/01/2016, 14:50
Computing Technology for Physics Research
For data centres it is increasingly important to monitor the network usage, and learn from network usage patterns. Especially configuration issues or misbehaving jobs preventing a smooth operation need to be detected as early as possible. At the GridKa Tier 1 centre we therefore operate a tool for monitoring traffic data and characteristics of WLCG jobs and pilots locally on different worker...
Michael Poat
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
21/01/2016, 15:45
Computing Technology for Physics Research
The STAR online computing environment is a demanding concentrated multi-purpose compute system with the objective to obtain maximum throughput and process concurrency. Motivation for extending the STAR compute farm from a simple job processing tool for data taking, into a multipurpose resource equipped with a large storage system would lead any dedicated resources to become an extremely...
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington (US))
21/01/2016, 16:10
Computing Technology for Physics Research
A modern high energy physics analysis code is complex. As it has for decades, it must handle high speed data I/O, corrections to physics objects applied at the last minute, and multi-pass scans to calculate some corrections. More recently an analysis has to regularly accommodate multi-100 GB dataset sizes, multi-variate signal/background separation techniques, larger collaborative teams, and...
Graeme Stewart
(University of Glasgow (GB))
21/01/2016, 16:35
Computing Technology for Physics Research
ATLAS's current software framework, Gaudi/Athena, has been very
successful for the experiment in LHC Runs 1 and 2. However, its single
threaded design has been recognised for some time to be increasingly
problematic as CPUs have increased core counts and decreased
available memory per core. Even the multi-process version of
Athena, AthenaMP, will not scale to the range of architectures...
Fedor Prokoshin
(Federico Santa Maria Technical University (CL))
21/01/2016, 17:00
Computing Technology for Physics Research
The ATLAS EventIndex is the catalogue of the event-related metadata for the information obtained from the ATLAS detector. The basic unit of this information is event record, containing the event identification parameters, pointers to the files containing this event as well as trigger decision information. The main use case for the EventIndex are the event picking, providing information for the...