Joseph Boudreau
(University of Pittsburgh (US))
21/01/2016, 14:00
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
In this talk we discuss algorithms for the analysis of hadronic final states,
with application to 1) Single top $t$-channel production; and 2) Heavy Higgs decaying as H->WW, in the lepton plus jets mode. In either case, nature has arranged for the
triple decay rates in kinematic angles of the decay, $\theta$,$\theta^*$, and $\phi^*$
to be a short finite series in orthogonal functions,...
Rudolf Fruhwirth
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
21/01/2016, 14:25
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Vertex finding in the presence of high-pile up is an important step for reconstructing events at the LHC. In this study we propose a novel approach based on the model-based clustering paradigm. Using the prior distribution of the number of vertices and the prior distribution of the cluster size, i.e. the number of tracks emerging from a vertex, the posterior distribution of the number of...
Renato Quagliani
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
21/01/2016, 14:50
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
LHCb has introduced a novel real-time detector alignment and calibration strategy for LHC Run 2. Data collected at the start of the fill is processed in a few minutes and used to update the alignment, while the calibration constants are evaluated for each run. This procedure will improve the quality of the online alignment. Critically, this new real-time alignment and calibration procedure...
Maxim Potekhin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
21/01/2016, 15:15
Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
The Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) has the potential to provide exceptional level of detail
in studies on neutrino interactions - a high prioritory field of Intensity Frontier research. Liquid Argon serves as both
the target for neutrino interactions and the sensitive medium of the detector, which measures ionization produced by
the reaction products. The LArTPC has...