Stanislav Poslavsky
(IHEP, Protvino)
18/01/2016, 14:00
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
With the increasing complexity of HEP problems, the performance of computer algebra systems (CASs) may become a bottleneck in a real calculation. For example, multiloop calculations in SM may involve thousands of diagrams and require to perform a huge amount of Dirac algebra and related simplifications in order to prepare expressions for further numerical analysis; calculations in field theory...
Vladyslav Shtabovenko
18/01/2016, 14:25
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
We present the version 9.0.0 of the Mathematica package FeynCalc, which
is an open source tool for symbolic evaluation of Feynman diagrams and
algebraic calculations in quantum field theory. This talk will focus on
the highlights of the new version, that include improved
tensor decomposition and partial fractioning routines for loop
integrals. We also provide some examples for seamless...
Thomas Hahn
(MPI f. Physik)
18/01/2016, 14:50
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
New features in FormCalc 9 are presented, most notably the
combinability of (almost) arbitrary kinematics in one code
and significant updates for the driver programs.
Also, a new method for scripting calculations is presented,
first used in the implementation of the two-loop $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_t^2)$
Higgs-mass corrections in FeynHiggs.
Jens Hoff
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
18/01/2016, 15:45
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
Computing the Higgs boson production cross section to N$^3$LO precision is a highly challenging task which demands for automatization to a high degree. This talk will cover two $\tt \text{Mathematica}$ packages that were written in that context but can also be applied to other processes: $\tt \text{MT}$ and $\tt \text{TopoID}$. The package $\tt \text{MT}$ is capable of computing convolution...
Takahiro Ueda
18/01/2016, 16:10
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
We present Forcer, a new FORM program for the calculation of four-loop massless
propagators. The basic framework is similar to that of the Mincer program
for three-loop massless propagators: the program reduces Feynman
integrals to a set of master integrals in a parametric way.
To overcome an ineludible complexity of the program structure at the
four-loop level, most of the code was...
juergen reuter
(DESY Hamburg, Germany)
18/01/2016, 16:35
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
We give a status report on the automation of next-to-leading order processes within
the Monte Carlo event generator WHIZARD, using GoSam and OpenLoops as provider for
one-loop matrix elements. To deal with divergences, WHIZARD uses automated FKS subtraction, and the phase space for singular regions is generated automatically. NLO examples for both scattering and decay processes with a focus...
Gudrun Heinrich
(MPP Munich)
18/01/2016, 17:00
Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
In higher order calculations, multi-dimensional parameter integrals,
containing also various types of singularities, are ubiquitous.
We will present the program SecDec, which allows to isolate
the singularities and numerically calculate their coefficients
in a process-independent way.
Therefore it can be used as a building block for the automation
of higher order corrections beyond...