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Council - Hundred and seventy-sixth session


from Thursday 18 June 2015 (09:30) to Friday 19 June 2015 (16:30)

Thursday 18 June 2015


9.30: RESTRICTED SESSION (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Report by the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Seventy-Fifth Session of Council
CERN/3175/RA/Draft English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/3176/Rev.2 English French
4. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
5. President’s Report
6. Director-General’s Report
7. Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN
8. LHC Matters
   8.1 Status Report on start-up Activities (Dr F. Bordry)
   8.2 Status Report on the LHC Experiments and Computing (Dr S. Bertolucci)
   8.3 Report on new schedule HL-LHC (Director-General)
9. Presentation on Medical Applications (Dr S. Myers, Head of CERN Medical Applications and Prof. Dr M. Baumann, Chair of the International Strategy Committee for Medical Applications)
10. Scientific Policy Committee
   10.1 Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. T. Nakada)
   10.2 New questions from delegations
11. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
12. Co-operation Agreement between CERN and the National Council for Scientific Research, Lebanon (CNRS-L) concerning Scientific and Technical Co-operation in High-Energy Physics
CERN/3185/RA English French
13. Fund raising – List of proposed projects
CERN/3190/RA English French
14. Standing Advisory Committee on Audits (SACA)
   14.1 Report and Recommendations to Council (Ms C. Jamieson, SACA Chair - Oral)
   14.2 SACA –Technical amendments to the Terms of Reference
CERN/SPC/939/Rev.2 CERN/FC/5406/Rev.2 CERN/2883/Rev.2 English French
   14.3 New questions from delegations
15. Impact of the recent Swiss Franc appreciation: Proposal by the Management
White Paper
16. Medium-Term Plan for the Period 2016-2020 and Draft Budget of the Organization for the sixty-second Financial Year 2016
White Paper
17. 2016 Budget: Scale of Contributions
CERN/FC/5926 CERN/3184 English French
18. CERN Pension Fund
   18.1 Report by the Chair of the Governing Board (Dr T. Roth - Oral)
   18.2 CERN Pension Fund - Planning of the 2016 Periodic Actuarial Review by Buck Consultants
CERN/FC/5927/RA CERN/3191/RA English French
   18.3 Pension fund schemes: CERN & other International Organisations (Director-General - Oral)
   18.4 Report on legal experts' work (President of Council - Oral)
   18.5 Possible change from defined-benefit to defined-contribution scheme – Options for the cost analysis (Buck Consultants - Oral)
19. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session - Background Information
   19.1 on access policy
CERN/2818/Rev. English French
   19.2 on access procedure
20. Other Business
   20.1 Preview of Agenda Council Session in September

1. Enlargement Process
   1.1 Final Report of the CERN-Romania Joint Committee for the Period 2010-2015
CERN/3192/RA English French
   1.2 Resolution concerning the admission of Romania as a Member State
CERN/3189/RA English French
   1.3 Application for Associate Membership at CERN by India - Setting-up of Task Force & Composition
   1.4 Recent developments (Director-General - Oral) a) Update on the remaining applications for Membership b) Expressions of intersst by other non-Member States
2. Technical amendments to the Procedure for selecting and appointing the Director-General of CERN (President of Council)
White Paper
3. Elections
CERN/2762/Rev. English French
   3.1 Call for nominations for the next President of Council - Preliminary discussion of the list of candidates
   3.2 Re-election of one Vice-President
   3.3 Call for nominations for one Vice-President of Council
4. Proposal to extend the mandate of the External Auditors
CERN/3187/RA English French
5. Pension Fund Re-appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of the Pension Fund
CERN/3186/RA English French
6. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session
7. Other Business
Friday 19 June 2015


9.00: OPEN SESSION (CERN (503/1-001))

1. Report on the decisions taken at Restricted and Closed Sessions (President of Council - Oral)
2. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
3. Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. T. Nakada - Oral)
4. Annual Progress Report
   4.1 Annual Progress Report for 2014
CERN/SPC/1041/Rev. CERN/FC/5891/Rev. CERN/3165/Rev. English French Slides
   4.2 Assessment and Comments by the External Auditors on the Annual Progress Report 2014
CERN/FC/5912 CERN/3178 English French
   4.3 Assessment and Comments by the SPC on the Annual Progress Report for 2014 (Prof. T. Nakada - Oral)
   4.4 Assessment and Comments by the FC and SACA on the Annual Progress Report for 2014 (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
5. Financial Statements of CERN
   5.1 Financial Statements for 2014
CERN/FC/5911 CERN/3177 English French Slides
   5.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Financial Statements of CERN for the Financial Year 2014
CERN/FC/5913 CERN/3179 English French
   5.3 Recommendations from the External Auditors to the CERN Management on the Financial Statements of CERN and comments from the CERN Management
CERN/FC/5914 CERN/3180 English French
   5.4 Assessment and Comments by the FC and SACA on the Financial Statements of CERN for 2014 (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
6. Financial Statements of the CERN Pension Fund
   6.1 Financial Statements for the Financial Year 2014
CERN/FC/5915 CERN/3181 English French Slides
   6.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Financial Statements of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2014
CERN/FC/5916 CERN/3182 English French
   6.3 Recommendations from the External Auditors to the CERN Pension Fund Management on the Financial Statements for the Financial Year 2014 of the Pension Fund and comments from the CERN Pension Fund Management
CERN/FC/5917 CERN/3183 English French
   6.4 Assessment and Comments by the FC and SACA on the Financial Statements of the CERN Pension Fund for 2014 (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
7. Timetable for Council Sessions and Committee meetings 2016
CERN/3188/Final English French
8. Scientific Research Programme at JINR (Prof. V. Matveev - Oral)
9. Neutrino Programme at Fermilab (Dr N. Lockyer - Oral)
10. Dark matter searches at the LHC (Dr M. Mangano - Oral)
11. Confirmation of access status of documents
12. Other Business