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2–6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Integrating pilot-jobs, workflows and virtual resource browser to foster medical image analysis on EGEE

3 Mar 2009, 17:00
Foyer (Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy)


Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania
Demo Planned or on-going scientific work using the grid Demo Session


Sorina Camarasu-Pop (Creatis-LRMN) Tristan Glatard (Creatis-LRMN)


We present the integration of the DIANE pilot-job framework within the MOTEUR workflow engine. Coupled with the VBrowser-MOTEUR integration presented at the 3rd User Forum, the resulting system offers a responsive high-level interface to gLite, bringing the infrastructure closer to end-user requirements. The system is demonstrated on medical imaging applications developed at Creatis-LRMN, including irradiation simulation with ThIS, MRI simulation with Simri and cardio-vascular analysis with CAVIAR.


Medical imaging, Moteur, VBrowser, DIANE

Detailed analysis

To fulfill usability needs, grids have to provide (i) high-level execution interfaces, (ii) application-porting frameworks and (iii) good quality of service in terms of error rate and job waiting times.

The demo presented here gathers 3 systems to meet those requirements, namely:
(i) the VBrowser interface developed in the Dutch VL-e project
(ii) the Moteur workflow engine developed at CNRS-I3S in Sophia-Antipolis, France
(iii) the DIANE pilot-job framework developed at CERN.

In particular, the main contribution of this demo is the Moteur-DIANE integration. A generic DIANE master and the corresponding agent have been developed to enable the execution of workflow tasks. A special attention is paid to the respect of user authentication along the experiment life-cycle and to the control of the number of running agents.

Justification for delivering demo and technical requirements (ONLY for demonstrations)

Technical requirements: outbound connectivity to ports 30000, 443 and 8443. No inbound required. Wireless ok.

Conclusions and Future Work

The system presented in this demo provides a high-level interface to the grid, a rapid application porting framework and a good quality of service for the jobs. Future work includes the development of improved managers to further control the total number, submission time and execution site of the pilots with respect to the grid status. Besides, a precise evaluation on our applications of the conditions leading pilot jobs to improve performance w.r.t regular submission is expected.


Pilot-job frameworks such as WISDOM, DIANE or ToPoS are now widely acknowledged as efficient systems to reduce the impact of job failures, long waiting times and resource heterogeneity. The integration presented in this demo enables all the applications developed within Moteur to benefit from the DIANE pilot-job framework without any modification. In particular, pilot-jobs are directly made available on the end-users' desktop using the VBrowser as a front-end for Moteur applications (see demo at the 3rd User-Forum).
Three medical imaging applications exemplify the impact of the demonstrated system. Security requirements (in particular concerning the sharing of medical data) justify the adoption of the DIANE pilot-job framework which allows agents to run with user credentials. Environments having strong connectivity constraints such as hospitals could still benefit from pilot-jobs thanks to the decoupling of the user front-end from the job submission system running the masters.

URL for further information


Sorina Camarasu-Pop (Creatis-LRMN) Tristan Glatard (Creatis-LRMN)


David Sarrut (Creatis-LRMN) Hugues Benoit-Cattin (Creatis-LRMN) Jakub Moscicki (CERN) Johan Montagnat (I3S) Patrick Clarysse (Creatis-LRMN) Silvia Olabarriaga (University of Amsterdam)

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