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2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


IPv6 Compliance of Grid Middleware

6 Mar 2009, 09:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


In this session two aspects of IPv6 and its impact on the Grid will be presented:

  • The overall need for IPv6 and the related timescale for its widespread deployment
  • Currently on-going activities on IPv6 in the major Grid projects world-wide : the IPv6 compliance of Grid middleware distributions The first part will be devoted to describing the motivations behind the forthcoming transition to IPv6 together withย  the major new features andย  relevant aspects of IPv6 with respect to IPv4. The second part will be dealing more specifically with grid middleware.ย  Example of IPv6 compliant middleware will be given andย  the description of the currently on-going activities to make IPv6 compliant other relevant middleware distributions will be given. For the first part, speakers from software companies producing IPv6 software and OS and authorities dealing with the internet registry will be invited to talk. For the second part of the session, speakers from major international Grid projects andย  middleware producers will be invited to report on both the status of their middleware w.r.t. IPv6 compliance and the on-going activities related to IPv6.
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