The Workshop has the dual purpose of evaluating the current adoption status of gLite in a business context, analysing its strengths and weaknesses and identifying future potential in a commercial setting and business oriented standards, as well as deliberating the recommendations from the 6th EC Concertation Meeting (Distributed computing Track) on industry perspectives in current & future e-infrastructures, thus building on discussions initiated during the EGEE'08 Business Track.
Expected Workshop Outputs: a gLite SWOT analysis, along with a Rapporteur of the main points raised and examples of current and potential future adoption in diverse commercial sectors serving as the basis for the EGEE Commercial Exploitation Plan.
Nick Trigg
(Constellation Technologies)
05/03/2009, 09:10
Constellation, a spin out from STFCโs Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, is providing cloud computing services to all sectors of industry. It uses technology originally developed under the EGEE programme managed out of CERN and which now runs the WLCG (World LHC Computing Grid).
This talk will cover the various business model options for the technology and as well as showing a worked example...
Antonio Puliafito
(University of Messina)
05/03/2009, 09:30
Business Grid promises the wide adoption of economic valuable Grid
services. Lot of effort is being spent by the research community as well as by companies that are interested in its adoption. The business component involves more stringent requirements in terms of security,
confidentiality, trust, guarantees etc. Moreover, by its nature a business process requires most of the times...
Bernhard Schott
05/03/2009, 09:50
QosCosGrid is a research project providing Grid solutions for parallel and complex-systems workload. At EGEE-08 Istanbul, we have been presenting a concept how QosCosGrid capabilities can be used to enhance gLite / EGEE capabilities and reachout by adding new types of user groups and workload types.
Thatโs great but not enough to work with industry and commerce! Observing the markets...