Grid Computing & Geospatial Technologies (90 mins)
Christian Kiehle, Bastian Baranski
This workshop is part of the ongoing collaboration of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the OGF in the field of geospatial grid computing. It will cover case studies from the geospatial domain (e.g. disaster management, civil protection, geospatial modelling etc.) which significantly benefit from technologies related to grid infrastructures.
The workshop will focus on discussing how the paradigms of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and Geo Information Systems (GIS) can be integrated into grid middlewares or cloud computing infrastructures. It is expected that specialists from the field of SDI/GIS-Research and Development as well as specialists in the field of Grid-/Cloud-Computing will contribute reports on ongoing projects.
People involved in the current funding phase of the OWS-6 (OpenGIS Web Service Initiative) will give insight into the current state of standardization of geospatial webservices with special regards to grid computing.
The workshop offers a great opportunity to share ideas, discuss technical problems and explore future funding possibilities.
Organizations and individuals working in these areas, and all areas of geospatial data processing, interested in presenting their work, discussing their requirements, and pursuing joint efforts for running code and rough consensus, are encouraged to send an title and abstract to:
Dr. Christian Kiehle
lat/lon GmbH
Bastian Baranski
University of Muenster, Institute for Geoinformatics