The tutorial will cover the tools recently developed in the Dashboard
framework and focuses on the needs of the LHC VOs and Site
As it was stated during the CCRC08 postmortem WLCG workshop, the sites do not get enough information whether they are serving the VOs well. For sites which are serving several VO it is difficult to browse multiple
VO-specific monitoring systems which provide this information to the VO
community. During the tutorial the participants will get an opportunity to
try the tools which aim to answer the questions:
What LHC VOs are running at my site? What is the success rate of job
processing or data transfer for every VO? What is the statsus of every
activity running at my site from the VO point of view?
On the other hand the developers of the tools regard this tutorial as a
good chance to get the feedback from the users.
Speakers: Pablo Saiz, Benjamin Gaidioz, Elisa Lanciotti (CERN, IT/GS group)