2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Grid License Management BoF

6 Mar 2009, 09:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


Grid License Management BoF (90 mins)
Mathias Dalheimer

Software licensing hinders the adoption of grid computing technology in the industry. We will explore the technical, legal and business challenges.
Lately, three grid projects deal with grid licensing technology. We will present the current state-of-the-art in this fiels. In addition we will present the legal and business challenges.
(tentative agenda)
- Introduction
- Three grid license management projects:
* BeInGrid technology
* SmartLM technology
* GenLM product
- Legal restrictions
- Business implications

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...