2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Databases and metadata on the Grid: tools and communities

5 Mar 2009, 09:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


Databases and metadata on the Grid: tools and communities. (1/3) (90 mins)
Dr. Roberto Barbera, Dr. Antonio Calanducci, Dr. Giuliano Taffoni

The use of databases (DB) in Grid infrastructures is increasing with time. In fact, new e-Science projects have a wide perception of the grid, and their applications require not only traditional computations, but also the use of complex data operations that require on-line and off-line access to pre-existing heterogeneous and independently operated DBs. DBMS are used both to handle data and metadata. Several scientific and industrial communities need e-infrastructures able to manage databases and metadata to develop and deploy their applications. Examples of those communities are: the Bioinformatics communities (see for example the BioinfoGRID project), the Astronomical communities (Virtual Observatory and Euro-VO projects), the Earth Science communities, the Climate Changes scientists (see for example the CMCC project whose Grid infrastructure is based on DBMS).
Some tools and services have been developed on this purpose: (i) the AMGA metadata catalogue, (ii) the Grid Data Source Engine (G-DSE), (iii) the Grid Relational Catalog (GRelC), (iv) the OGSA Data Access and Integration middleware (OGSA-DAI), (v) Spitfire, and (vi) Mobius project. Those tools have been addressing this important topic trying to provide a secure, transparent, robust, efficient and dynamic grid-enabled data access services for relational and non-relational data sources.

Due to the success of the Database session at OGF23 we believe that it is important to re-propose this session at OGF25. This for the following important reasons:
โ€ข We plan to involve other EU-funded projects that were not present at OGF23 and need database access through grid for their data;
โ€ข We had a lot of requests to re-propose this workshop in future OGF
โ€ข New advances on DB access and metadata management through Grid environment. In particular we believe that is it important making developers and users from the different fields meet and exchange experiences and solutions.

To achieve its goals, the workshop targets three main audiences:
โ€ข First the community of Grid DB access framework developers.
โ€ข Second the audience comprises the Grid users. This includes current and potential users in various scientific areas.
โ€ข People involved in the design and managing of scientific and industrial grid projects to help them to choose the right tool or infrastructure.

Keynote speakers from France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, USA etc.

AMGA project - http://amga.web.cern.ch/amga/
Grid DataSource Engine project -http://wwwas.oats.inaf.it/grid/G-DSE
GRelC - http://grelc.unile.it
OGSA-DAI โ€“ http://www.ogsadai.org.uk
MOBIUS - http://projectmobius.osu.edu/

Comparison evaluation of tools

The projects
EuroVO-AIDA - http://cds.u-strasbg.fr/twikiAIDA/bin/view/EuroVOAIDA/WebHome
D4SCIENCE - www.d4science.eu
METAFOR - http://metafor.enes.org
neuGRID - http://www.neugrid.eu/
NMDB - www.nmdb.info
GENESI - DR - www.genesi-dr.eu
LOFAR - http://www.lofar.org

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