Jean Salzemann
(CNRS/IN2P3), Mr
Matthieu Reichstadt
(CNRS/IN2P3), Mr
Vincent Bloch
03/03/2009, 16:00
Scientific results obtained using grid technology
The WISDOM environment has evolved continuously to take advantage of the Grid computing and storage resources for large scale drug discovery applications. The environment, thanks to its flexibility and its simplicity, enables the integration of multiple softwares and the deployment on different grid infrastructures (EGEE, OSG). The new version of the environment combines tools within the same...
Giovanni Aloisio
(Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) & University of Salento, Lecce, Italy), Dr
Sandro Fiore
(Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) & University of Salento, Lecce, Italy)
03/03/2009, 16:12
Scientific results obtained using grid technology
Climate-G is a distributed testbed for climate change addressing challenging data and metadata management issues at a very large scale. It involves: CMCC, IPSL, SCAI, NCAR, Univ. of Reading, Univ. of Catania and Univ. of Salento. It provides P2P/grid metadata services, data access services, visualization tools, etc. The main scope of Climate-G is to allow scientists to carry out geographical...
Leandro Ciuffo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
03/03/2009, 16:24
Experiences from application porting and deployment
Recommender systems (RS) are best known for their use in e-commerce websites to provide a list of tailored items to the customers. However, such systems requires computations that grow polynomially with the number of users and products. For a large retailer like, with tens of millions of customers and millions of catalog items, generate recommendations requires a big computing...
Ignacio Martin Llorente
(Universidad Complutense)
03/03/2009, 16:36
Emerging Technologies within the EGEE infrastructure
The demonstration will show how virtualization can be used to transform a physical cluster into a flexible and elastic virtual infrastructure, separating resource provisioning from job execution management, and supporting the dynamic adaptation of a virtual EGEE site to the usersโ computational demands. The virtual infrastructure, managed by the OpenNebula VM Manger, will run on local and...
Jincheol Kim
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information), Mr
Sehoon Lee
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information), Dr
Soonwook Hwang
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
03/03/2009, 16:48
End-user environments and portal technologies
DrugScreener-G is an integrated environment for virtual screening, which implements the basic ideas of Grid-enabled large-scale virtual screening of the WISDOM project into a concrete software. DrugScreener-G is easily extensible with plug-ins. DrugScreener-G hides details of Grid computing from users by using web services in communication with the WISDOM Production Environment to manage and...
Sorina Camarasu-Pop
Tristan Glatard
03/03/2009, 17:00
Planned or on-going scientific work using the grid
We present the integration of the DIANE pilot-job framework within the MOTEUR workflow engine. Coupled with the VBrowser-MOTEUR integration presented at the 3rd User Forum, the resulting system offers a responsive high-level interface to gLite, bringing the infrastructure closer to end-user requirements. The system is demonstrated on medical imaging applications developed at Creatis-LRMN,...
The ASTRA project: reconstructing the ancient epigonion on the GRID with EUMEDCONNECT and GEANT2
Domenico Vicinanza
(DANTE - ASTRA project)
03/03/2009, 17:12
Scientific results obtained using grid technology
ASTRA (Ancient instruments Sound/Timbre Reconstruction Application) brings history to life. It takes archaeological findings of extinct musical instruments, and lets us play them again thanks to a virtual digital model running on the GRID
Using archaeological data as input (for example fragments from excavations, written descriptions, pictures on ancient urns), a complex digital audio...
Bartosz Palak
(Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center), Ms
Dana Ludviga
(Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Latvia, SigmaNet)
03/03/2009, 17:36
Scientific results obtained using grid technology
The presentation shows results and benefits from a gridification of a data- and compute-intensive application CoPS, a system designed for complex comparison of protein structures using the Evolutionary Secondary Structures Matching (ESSM) algorithm. The CoPS is developed and used by the Baltic States research communities. Usage of the BalticGrid-II infrastructure significantly improve the...
Alessandro Di Girolamo
03/03/2009, 17:48
Grid Services exploiting and extending gLite middleware
This contribution will describe how part of the monitoring of the LHC experiments Grid and the specific services can be integrated into the Service Level Status (SLS) framework.
Francisco Castejรณn
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusiรณn-Asociaciรณn, Euratom/Ciemat, Madrid 28040, Spain), Mr
(CERN), Mr
Josรฉ Luis Velasco
(Instituto de Biocomputaciรณn y Fรญsica de Sistemas Complejos, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50009, Spain &Departamento de Fรญsica Teรณrica, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50009, Spain), Mrs
Patricia Mendez
03/03/2009, 18:00
Planned or on-going scientific work using the grid
We demonstrate the enabling aspect of the technologies originally developed for running High Energy Physics applications on the EGEE Grid. We show two applications: a Geant 4 simulation used in the dosimetric studies and the ISDEP application used for the calculation of the kinetic transport in TJ-II, ITER and LHD. The key components are the Ganga and DIANE tools which provide the job...
Romain Texier
03/03/2009, 18:12
Grid Services exploiting and extending gLite middleware
Complex medical workflows can run on the grid to process 2D and 3D medical images from a DICOM compliant systems such as a PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) through the Medical Data Manager(MDM).The MDM, developed in the context of the EGEE project, provides a grid storage interface and ensures medical data protection through strict data access control, anonymization and...
Antonio Calanducci
(INFN Catania)
03/03/2009, 18:24
Grid Services exploiting and extending gLite middleware
A digital library platform is presented to deploy big digital repositories of ancient documents on a grid infrastructure. In particular, this work will focus on a digital archive coming from the humanistic and musical communities, showing how the Grid is ideal to save a large set of old manuscripts and musical scores to achieve digital preservation of cultural heritage
Alexandre Bonvin
(Utrecht University), Dr
Dario Carotenuto
(Magnetic Resonance Center, University of Florence), Dr
Marco Verlato
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Padova), Dr
Stefano Dal Praโ
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Padova), Dr
Tsjerk Wassenaar
(Utrecht University)
03/03/2009, 18:36
End-user environments and portal technologies
e-NMR aims at deploying and unifying the NMR computational infrastructure in system biology (EU 7th framework program, Contract no. 213010). We will demonstrate the e-NMR portal, which aims at providing the European and worldwide biomolecular NMR and structural biology communities with a user friendly, GRID-enabled platform. e-NMR will integrate and streamline the computational approaches in...
Peter Kacsuk
Robert Lovas
Tamas Kiss
(Univ. Westminster)
03/03/2009, 18:48
Experiences from application porting and deployment
EDGeS developed a bridge technology by which any EGEE VO can be extended with BOINC and XtremWeb based Desktop Grid (DG) systems. The demo shows how to extend an EGEE VO with such DG systems. EDGeS has also developed an application porting methodology by which EGEE applications can be ported to DGs. We also show this methodology and its usage for the EMMIL application. Finally, we show the new...
Grazina Tautvaisiene
Sarunas Mikolaitis
03/03/2009, 19:00
End-user environments and portal technologies
We present SYNTSPEC โ the stellar spectra modeling tool. This gridified tool for stellar spectra analysis is as an example of a data- and compute-intensive application running on the testbed of the EU BalticGrid-II Project (, which brings new quality to the research in astrophysics. The multi job application is run within the Gridcom system โ the user friendly...
pasquale pagano
03/03/2009, 19:12
End-user environments and portal technologies
The D4Science project is delivering an e-Infrastructure built upon the EGEE infrastructure and the gLite middleware. D4Science promotes the management of dynamically generated applications, a.k.a Virtual Research Environments (VRE), capable to exploit different types of resources ranging from computing and storage facilities to data and services autonomically aggregated in workflows. The...
vincent thierion
03/03/2009, 19:24
End-user environments and portal technologies
This demonstration presents an operational flash flood forecasting platform which has been developed in the framework of the FP6 European Project CYCLOPS. During this two-year project, two Civil Protection use-cases have been developed and ported on the EGEE grid infrastructure. Here is presented the porting of a Flash floods forecasting application, called G-ALHTAรR, used by the French Grand...
Giuseppe La Rocca
03/03/2009, 19:36
End-user environments and portal technologies
Remote access to computing services creates new opportunities for researchers to bring existing applications to higher levels of usability and performance. Unfortunately the know-how necessary to access these modern e-Infrastructure is not trivial. Grid portals and robot certificates can simplify the grid access especially for non-expert users. Moreover, many grid applications produce images...