2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


OGF-Europe Tutorial: How new communities can get access to a Grid infrastructure

2 Mar 2009, 11:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


OGF-Europe Tutorial: How new communities can get access to a Grid infrastructure (90 mins)
David Fergusson, Morris Riedel, Balazs Konya

This OGF-Europe tutorial will explain how new communities or organizations can get access to existing Grid infrastructures.

The following Grid infrastructures will be considered: EGEE, NorduGrid, DEISA

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...