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2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Elastic Management of a Grid Computing Service with OpenNebula and Amazon EC2

2 Mar 2009, 09:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


Elastic Management of a Grid Computing Service with OpenNebula and Amazon EC2 (90 mins)

The goal of this tutorial is to provide a global overview of the process of installing, configuring and deploying a typical computing element of a Grid site using a private cloud. The tutorial will focus on three key aspects when managing a virtual infrastructure, namely: image management, networking and hypervisors. Additionally the tutorial will address the scale-out of the Grid site by allocating extra capacity on the Amazon EC2. The tutorial is based in open source cloud components and includes hands-on exercises.

  1. Overview of Grid & Cloud Technologies. This section briefly reviews the main characteristics and goals of the Cloud & Grid technologies and presents the challenges of deploying a Grid site (or a part of it) in a Cloud. Finally the main tools used in this tutorial are presented.

  2. Configuring your site. This section will outline the philosophy of OpenNebula and details different configuration approaches for a private cloud. Finally the main OpenNebula subsystems are described and hints on extending and adapting them are provided.

  3. Using OpenNebula. Here we describe the CLI tools and API to interact with OpenNebula, in particular we will review the interface to manage physical hosts, virtual networks and virtual machines.

  4. Virtualizating a Grid Computing Element. In this part we will virtualized the components of a typical Grid computing service. In particular, specific aspects on image contextualization and networking will be discussed.

  5. Scale-out of your Computing Element with Amazon EC2. The tutorial ends with the scale out of the previous site to Amazon EC2. Specific networking and configuration issues are described.

- Describe the features and benefits of using virtualization and clouds.
- Describe different architectures for a private cloud that can be deployed with OpenNebula.
- Install and basic configure OpenNebula.
- Manage cluster nodes, virtual networks and virtual machines.
- Understand the challenges of deploying an application in the cloud.
- Deploy a Grid Computing Element in the Cloud.

User level knowledge and skills in Unix or Linux systems . The course includes hands-on exercises to be performed using attendee's laptops.
1. Overview of Grid & Cloud Technologies.
2. Configuring your site.
4. Using OpenNebula.
5. Virtualizating a Grid Computing Element.
6. Scale-out of your Computing Element with Amazon EC2.

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