2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone



3 Mar 2009, 11:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


The EGEE Production Service is a large multi-science Grid infrastructure, federating some 260 resource centres world-wide, providing more than 92.000 cores and several Petabytes of storage. This infrastructure is used on a daily basis by thousands of scientists federated in over 200 Virtual Organisations, which are dependent on such a working grid infrastructure. Their ability to effectively utilise the infrastructure is, to a great degree, conditioned by the quality and range of the operational tools available to maintain a high quality of service. Among these are the Grid Monitoring tools, used for the oversight of the Grid infrastructure at a grid-wide, regional, site and VO level to help improve the reliability, and to provide VO managers, users and grid operations with views allowing them to understand the current and historical status of the service.

This 4th User forum monitoring session will give an overview of the most recent implementations in the grid monitoring tools area, which bring scalability, reliability and many advantages to grid users and VO managers. Talks will highlight how tools enable users to watch in detail production activities, to track jobs throughout their lifetime, to aggregate VO specific views, all this through well defined interfaces and portals.

Presentation materials

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