2โ€“6 Mar 2009
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


OGF Data Repositories Workshop

4 Mar 2009, 16:00
Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Le Ciminiere, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Viale Africa 95100 Catania


OGF Data Repositories Workshop
Andreas Aschenbrenner, University of Goettingen, Tobias Blanke, Kingโ€™s College London & DReSNET; Neil P Chue Hong, OMII-UK & OGF, Nicholas Ferguson, OGF.eeig & OGF Europe; David E Martin, IBM & OGF

With the emergence of the Knowledge-based economy, interoperability of digital repositories (DR) offers benefits not only for different types of users within the user community, but also eScience application developers. Through interoperability, e-Infrastructure providers can ensure the easy deployment and management of software distributions. eScience users have the freedom to choose services deployed in different infrastructures based on functionality with the potential to use a far greater amount of resources than is currently available to them. For eScience application developers on the other hand, interoperability ensures the portability of applications across multiple infrastructures to increase uptake.
Co-sponsored by OGF-Europe, OGF, DReSNET and OMII-UK, this will be the third in a series of workshops which focus on the Digital Repositories community. The previous two workshops at OGF23 and the 4th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) have focussed on identifying user community needs which can be addressed by the adoption of Grid & OGF standards. This workshop will look to see how the adoption of Distributed Computing and open standards can address these needs. The workshop will also look at how OGF can liaise with other standards bodies for the benefit of DRs. Focus will also be placed on the federation of Digital Repositories.
The agenda looks to focus on offering results from the Digital Repositories workshops at OGF23 and IDCC โ€™08, and the objectives of the OGF Data Working Groups by moving on to a more technical discussion of challenges facing the DR community. Presentations and a panel discussion will look at ways forward for the development of an OGF Digital Repositories Community.
Session 1
Overview of OGF work related to data repositories
Results of the DR workshops at OGF23 and IDCC

Session 2
Panels discussion on Challenges in Data Repositories in a Grid Environment: Security, Authentication/Authorization, Data Formats, Data Management)
Standards and Best Practicies for Data Repositories
Working Group Proposals and Charters

Possible interventions from:
Andreas Aschenbrenner, University of Goettingen
Tobias Blanke, Kingโ€™s College London
Antonio Calanducci, INFN, Catania (tbc)
Donatella Castelli, CNR-ISTI (tbc)
David DeRoure, University of Southampton (tbc)
David Flanders, Birkbeck University of London (tbc)
Lee Dirks, Microsoft Research (tbc)
David E Martin, IBM
Matt Zumwalt MediaShelf (tbc)

Presentation materials

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Building timetable...