First announcement
Workshop on Forward Physics and High-Energy Scattering at Zero Degree (HESZ2015)
Dear Colleague,
This is the first announcement of the 2nd International Workshop on Forward Physics and
High-Energy Scattering at Zero Degree (HESZ2015) which will be held at Nagoya University, Japan,
on September 9th (Wed) - 12th (Sat), 2015.
This workshop follows the 1st International Workshops held at Nagoya University on High-Energy Scattering
at Zero Degrees on March 2nd -3rd, 2013. This year, it aims at covering all aspects of forward physics at the
LHC and at RHIC, benefiting from the experience gained at HERA and the Tevatron. The spirit of this workshop
is to favor fruitful and informal discussions between experimentalists and theorists. Lots of time is devoted to
discussion of new results, hot topics and exciting open problems in forward physics at RHIC and LHC.
*** Science Topics
- Recent results from LHC and RHIC experiments
- Diffraction at Tevatron and HERA
- Diffractive events and the problem of Pomeron
- Diffraction and very forward pp and pA scattering
- Total cross section
- Hard diffraction and central exclusive production
- Forward and ultra-peripheral AA scatterings
- Vector meson production
- Prospects in photon-photon physics
- Heavy/Light-Ion collision physics (QGP, saturation...)
- Astroparticle physics and high energetic cosmic ray interaction models
- Spin asymmetry in forward polarized pp scatterings
- Particle and energy flow in forward region
- Future forward experiments and detectors (ZDC, forward calorimeter,
roman pots, fast timing detectors, Si detectors...)
*** Workshop web site
The workshop web site is:
The information will be continuously updated.
*** Registration and workshop fee
The registration fee is 10,000 Yen which covers the workshop dinner and coffee breaks. The registration
fee will be collected upon arrival in cash. Registration can be made via:
The deadline for registration is August 21th (Fri), 2015.
*** Travel and accommodation
The workshop will take place at Nagoya University in the seminar room of the university. The campus of
Nagoya University can be reached from the center using the metro. It is possible to fly directly to Nagoya
from Europe or USA or also to fly to Osaka or Tokyo, then take the Shinkansen to Nagoya.
Participants are supposed to book a hotel by themselves.
But LOC members are pleased to help booking if necessary.
Please contact to sako@stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp for any travel supports.
*** Visa information
Those who need a visa to enter Japan need to contact the organizer as soon as possible, since the
issuance of a visa may take a long time. Letters of invitation for visa purposes will be available upon request
for registered workshop participants. Please check the following URL to see whether you need VISA to enter
*** Contributions
The workshop is scheduled only with invited talks and contribution posters.
Abstract of poster contributions can be submitted from the workshop webpage by July 31st (Fri), 2015.
Only when time slot allows, we can accept some oral contributions. If you are interested in contributing by
oral presentation, please comment in the submission form. The decision will be made early August.
*** Organizers
Nicolo Cartiglia (Torino), Simone Giani (CERN),
Yuji Goto (RIKEN), Lucian Harland-Lang (London),
Kazunori Itakura (KEK), Yoshitaka Itow (Nagoya),
Ronan McNulty (Dublin), Tanguy Pierog (Karlsruhe),
Christophe Royon (Prague), Takashi Sako (Nagoya),
Kenta Shigaki (Hiroshima), Daniel Tapia Takaki (Lawrence),
Kiyoshi Tanida (JAEA), Yuji Yamazaki (Kobe)
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