ES building, ES635 (Nagoya University)

ES building, ES635

Nagoya University

Christophe Royon (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ)), T. Sako (Nagoya University)
This meeting follows similar workshops held at the Nagoya University about high-energy scattering at zero degrees, the last one being on March 2-3 2013. This year, it aims at covering all aspects of forward physics at the LHC and at RHIC, benefiting from the experience gained at HERA and the Tevatron. The spirit of this meeting is to favour fruitful and informal discussions between experimentalists and theorists. Lots of time is devoted to discussion of new results, hot topics and exciting open problems in forward physics at RHIC and the LHC.
    • 13:00 13:15
      Welcome address 15m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speakers: Takashi Sako (Nagoya University (JP)), Toru Iijima (Nagoya University), Yoshitaka Ito (Nagoya University (JP))
    • 13:15 14:15
      Forward Physics at LHC 1h ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Christophe Royon (University of Kansas (US))
    • 14:15 15:15
      Cosmic Ray : what did we learn after LHC start? 1h ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Tanguy Pierog (KIT)
    • 15:15 15:45
      coffee break 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 15:45 16:25
      Review of the ATLAS forward measurement 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Grzegorz Gach (University of Birmingham (GB))
    • 16:25 17:05
      Diffraction at CMS 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Grzegorz Brona (University of Warsaw (PL))
    • 09:30 10:10
      Overview of the LHCF experiment and of its main results 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Alessio Tiberio (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
    • 10:10 10:40
      ALFA measurements on the total cross sections and diffraction 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Simon Stark Mortensen (University of Copenhagen (DK))
    • 10:40 10:55
      Coffee Break 15m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 10:55 11:25
      CMS Totem Precision Proton Spectrometer: Status and Prospects 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Michele Gallinaro (LIP Lisbon)
    • 11:25 12:05
      Diffraction 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Sergey Ostapchenko (University of Karlsruhe)
    • 12:05 13:30
      Lunch 1h 25m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 13:30 14:30
      Tests of Discrete Symmetries in the Forward Scattering Amplitudes of Epithermal Neutron Optics 1h ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Hirohiko Shimizu (Nagoya University)
    • 14:30 15:00
      PHENIX forward neutron measurements 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Minjung Kim (Seoul National Univ. / RIKEN)
    • 15:00 15:20
      RHIC CNI polarimeter 20m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: itaru nakagawa (RIKEN)
    • 15:20 15:50
      RHIC-spin forward physics short review 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Yuji Goto (RIKEN)
    • 15:50 16:20
      Coffee Break 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 16:20 17:00
      review of Tevatron 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Michele Gallinaro (LIP Lisbon)
    • 17:00 17:30
      review of HERA 1 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Alessia Bruni (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
    • 17:30 18:00
      review of HERA 2 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Alice Valkarova (Charles University (CZ))
    • 19:30 21:30
      Banquet 2h Fugetsu (Toriginn)



      Sakae, Nishiki 3 cho-me

      Torigin Honten (Fugetsu) at Sakae

    • 09:30 10:10
      p+p/p+A/A+A with MPC/MPC-EX and UPC at PHENIX 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Richard Seto (University of California, Riverside)
    • 10:10 10:40
      MC study of nuclear effect in proton- Nitrogen collisions at RHIC 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Takuya Suzuki (Waseda University (JP))
    • 10:40 10:55
      Coffee Break 15m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 10:55 11:35
      Vector meson photoproduction in ultra-peripheral p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with the ALICE experiment 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Michal Broz (Czech Technical University (CZ))
    • 11:35 12:05
      Forward particle productions in UPC at √sNN=5TeV p-Pb from first LHCf-ATLAS collaborated analysis 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Hiroaki Menjo (Nagoya University (JP))
    • 12:05 13:30
      Lunch 1h 25m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 13:30 14:10
      Auger results on mass and hadronic interactions 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Alexey Yushkov
    • 14:10 14:50
      Recent Results from the Telescope Array Experiment 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Masahiro Takeda
    • 14:50 15:30
      The forward particle production in the energy range from 10 TeV to 1PeV as seen with the new Tibet hybrid experiment 40m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Jing Huang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 16:00 16:30
      CASTOR(CMS) and/or Tune of Hadronic models for CR 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Colin Baus (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
    • 16:30 17:00
      The interaction model suggested by the AMS02 observation and the resulting atmospheric neutrino flux 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Morihiro Honda
    • 17:00 17:30
      Hadronic interaction studies with Ice Cube/ Ice top 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Lu Lu (Chiba University)
    • 09:00 09:30
      Physics goals and status of AFP 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Maciej Marek Trzebinski (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • 09:30 10:00
      Fast timing meaurements and electronics (SAMPIC) 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Christophe Royon (University of Kansas (US))
    • 10:00 10:30
      Recent development of fast timing sensors 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)
    • 10:30 10:45
      Coffee Break 15m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

    • 10:45 11:15
      Research and development for the Forward Calorimeter as an ALICE upgrade project to study forward physics 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Masahiro Hirano (University of Tsukuba (JP))
    • 11:15 11:45
      RHICf; zero degree measurement at RHIC 30m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University

      Speaker: Takashi Sako (Nagoya University (JP))
    • 11:45 12:00
      Closing 15m ES building, ES635

      ES building, ES635

      Nagoya University