Dirk Duellmann Duellmann
(CERN IT/LCG 3D project)
The LCG Distributed Deployment of Databases (LCG 3D) project is a joint activity
between LHC experiments and LCG tier sites to co-ordinate the set-up of database
services and facilities for relational data transfers as part of the LCG
infrastructure. The project goal is to provide a consistent way of accessing database
services at CERN tier 0 and collaborating LCG tier sites to achieve a more scalable
and available access to non-event data (eg conditions, geometry, bookkeeping and
possibly event level meta data). Further goals include the co-ordination of the
requirement discussions between sites and experiments and to facilitate the technical
exchange between database service providers at online, tier 0 and tier 1 sites. This
contribution will discuss the outcome the first year of requirement discussions and
technology tests with the proposed distribution technologies (Streams and FroNtier).
We will also give a summary the definition of the production set-up for the first 6
months of operation as part of LCG service challenges.
Dirk Duellmann Duellmann
(CERN IT/LCG 3D project)