13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

LCG 3D project status and production plans

15 Feb 2006, 16:20
AG 80 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

AG 80

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Distributed Event production and processing Distributed Event production and Processing


Dr Dirk Duellmann Duellmann (CERN IT/LCG 3D project)


The LCG Distributed Deployment of Databases (LCG 3D) project is a joint activity between LHC experiments and LCG tier sites to co-ordinate the set-up of database services and facilities for relational data transfers as part of the LCG infrastructure. The project goal is to provide a consistent way of accessing database services at CERN tier 0 and collaborating LCG tier sites to achieve a more scalable and available access to non-event data (eg conditions, geometry, bookkeeping and possibly event level meta data). Further goals include the co-ordination of the requirement discussions between sites and experiments and to facilitate the technical exchange between database service providers at online, tier 0 and tier 1 sites. This contribution will discuss the outcome the first year of requirement discussions and technology tests with the proposed distribution technologies (Streams and FroNtier). We will also give a summary the definition of the production set-up for the first 6 months of operation as part of LCG service challenges.


Dr Dirk Duellmann Duellmann (CERN IT/LCG 3D project)

Presentation materials