Jamie Shiers
2/13/06, 2:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The LCG Service Challenges are aimed at achieving the goal of a production quality
world-wide Grid that meets the requirements of the LHC experiments in terms of
functionality and scale. This talk highlights the main goals of the Service Challenge
programme, significant milestones as well as the key services that have been
validated in production by the 4 LHC experiments.
The LCG...
Jukka Klem
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
2/13/06, 2:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
Public resource computing uses the computing power of personal computers that belong
to the general public. LHC@home is a public-resource computing project based on the
BOINC (Berkeley Open Interface for Network Computing) platform. BOINC is an open
source software system, developed by the team behind SETI@home, that provides the
infrastructure to operate a public-resource computing...
Frederik Orellana
(Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Universitรฉ de Genรจve)
2/13/06, 2:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
In 2004, a full slice of the ATLAS detector was tested for 6 months in the H8
experimental area of the CERN SPS, in the so-called Combined Test Beam, with beams of
muons, pions, electrons and photons in the range 1 to 350 GeV. Approximately 90
million events were collected, corresponding to a data volume of 4.5 terabytes. The
importance of this exercise was two-fold: for the first time the...
A. Vaniachine
2/13/06, 3:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
In the ATLAS Computing Model widely distributed applications require access to
terabytes of data stored in relational databases. In preparation for data taking,
the ATLAS experiment at the LHC has run a series of large-scale computational
exercises to test and validate multi-tier distributed data grid solutions under
We present operational experience in ATLAS database...
2/13/06, 4:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The ATLAS Computing Model is under continuous development. Previous exercises
focussed on the Tier-0/Tier-1 interactions, with an emphasis on the resource
implications and only a high-level view of the data and workflow. The work presented
here attempts to describe in some detail the data and control flow from the High
Level Trigger farms all the way through to the physics user. The...
Gilbert Poulard Poulard
2/13/06, 4:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN will start data acquisition in 2007. The ATLAS (A
Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) experiment is preparing for the data handling and analysis
via a series of Data Challenges and production exercises to validate its computing
model and to provide useful samples of data for detector and physics studies. DC1 was
conducted during 2002-03; the main goals were to put in...
gokhan unel
2/13/06, 4:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The ATLAS experiment at LHC will start taking data in 2007. As preparative work, a
full vertical slice of the final higher level trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ)
chain, "the pre-series", has been installed in the ATLAS experimental zone. In the
pre-series setup, detector data are received by the readout system and next
partially analyzed by the second level trigger (LVL2). On...
Robert Petkus
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2/13/06, 5:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The roles of centralized and distributed storage at the RHIC/USATLAS Computing
Facility have been undergoing a redefinition as the size and demands of computing
resources continues to expand. Traditional NFS solutions, while simple to deploy and
maintain, are marred by performance and scalability issues, whereas distributed
software solutions such as PROOF and rootd are application...
Matthew Norman
(University of California at San Diego)
2/13/06, 5:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The increasing instantaneous luminosity of the Tevatron collider will cause the
computing requirements for data analysis and MC production to grow larger than the
dedicated CPU resources that will be available. In order to meet future demands, CDF
is investing in shared, Grid, resources. A significant fraction of opportunistic Grid
resources will be available to CDF before the LHC era...
Ashok Agarwal
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada)
2/13/06, 5:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
GridX1, a Canadian computational Grid, combines the resources of various Canadian
research institutes and universities through the Globus Toolkit and the CondorG
resource broker (RB). It has been successfully used to run ATLAS and BaBar simulation
applications. GridX1 is interfaced to LCG through a RB at the TRIUMF Laboratory
(Vancouver), which is an LCG computing element, and ATLAS jobs...
Subir Sarkar
2/14/06, 2:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
Higher instantaneous luminosity of the Tevatron Collider forces large increases in
computing requirements for CDF experiment which has to be able to cover future needs
of data analysis and MC production. CDF can no longer afford to rely on dedicated
resources to cover all of its needs and is therefore moving toward shared, Grid,
resources. CDF has been relying on a set of CDF Analysis...
Valeri FINE
2/14/06, 2:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
Job tracking, i.e. monitoring bundle of jobs or individual job behavior from
submission to completion, is becoming very complicated in the heterogeneous Grid
This paper presents the principles of an integrating tracking solution based on
components already deployed at STAR, none of which are experiment specific: a Generic
logging layer and the STAR Unified Meta-Scheduler...
Laurence Field
2/14/06, 2:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
As a result of the interoperations activity between LHC Computing Grid (LCG) and Open
Science Grid (OSG), it was found that the information and monitoring space within
these grids is a crowded area with many closed end-to-end solutions that do not
interoperate. This paper gives the current overview of the information and monitoring
space within these grids and tries to find overlapping...
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
2/14/06, 4:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
This paper describes the integration of Storage Resource Management (SRM) technology
into the grid-based analysis computing framework of the STAR experiment at RHIC.
Users in STAR submit jobs on the grid using the STAR Unified Meta-Scheduler (SUMS)
which in turn makes best use of condor-G to send jobs to remote sites. However, the
result of each job may be sufficiently large that existing...
Christoph Wissing
(University of Dortmund)
2/14/06, 4:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The H1 Experiment at HERA records electron-proton collisions provided by beam
crossings of a frequency of 10 MHz. The detector has about half a million readout
channels and the data acquisition allows to log about 25 events per second with a
typical size of 100kB.
The increased event rates after the upgrade of the HERA accelerator at DESY led to a
more demanding usage of computing and...
Simone Campana
2/14/06, 4:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The LHC Computing Grid Project (LCG) provides and operates the computing support and
infrastructure for the LHC experiments. In the present phase, the experiments systems
are being commissioned and the LCG Experiment Integration Support team provides
support for the integration of the underlying grid middleware with the experiment
specific components. The support activity during the...
Pablo Garcia-Abia
2/14/06, 5:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
In preparation for the start of the experiment, CMS must produce large quantities of
detailed full-detector simulation. In this presentation we will present the
experiencing with running official CMS Monte Carlo simulation on distributed
computing resources. We will present the implementation used to generate events using
the LHC Computing Grid (LCG-2) resources in Europe, as well as the...
Peter Elmer
2/14/06, 5:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The Monte Carlo Processing Service (MCPS) package is a Python based workflow
modelling and job creation package used to realise CMS Software workflows and create
executable jobs for different environments ranging from local node operation to wide
ranging distributed computing platforms. A component based approach to modelling
workflows is taken to allow both executable tasks as well as...
Daniele - on behalf of CMS Italy Tier-1 and Tier-2's Bonacorsi
(INFN-CNAF Bologna, Italy)
2/14/06, 5:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The CMS experiment is travelling its path towards the real LHC data handling by
building and testing its Computing Model through daily experience on
production-quality operations as well as in challenges of increasing complexity. The
capability to simultaneously address both these complex tasks on a regional basis -
e.g. within INFN - relies on the quality of the developed tools and...
2/15/06, 2:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
DIRAC is the LHCb Workload and Data Management system used for Monte Carlo
production, data processing and distributed user analysis. It is designed to be light
and easy to deploy which allows integrating in a single system different kinds of
computing resources including stand-alone PC's, computing clusters or Grid systems.
DIRAC uses the paradigm of the overlay network of โPilot Agentsโ,...
Jakub Moscicki
(CERN), Dr
Maria Grazia Pia
Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
(CERN), Dr
Susanna Guatelli
(INFN Genova)
2/15/06, 2:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The quantitative results of a study concerning Geant4 simulation in a distributed
computing environment (local farm and LCG GRID) are presented. The architecture of
the system, based on DIANE, is presented; it allows to configure a Geant4 application
transparently for sequential execution (on a single PC), and for parallel execution
on a local PC farm or on the GRID. Quantitative results...
Karl Harrison
(High Energy Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory)
2/15/06, 2:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
Ganga is a lightweight, end-user tool for job submission and monitoring and provides
an open framework for multiple applications and submission backends. It is developed
in a joint effort in LHCb and ATLAS. The main goal of Ganga is to effectively enable
large-scale distributed data analysis for physicists working in the LHC experiments.
Ganga offers simple, pleasant and consistent user...
Douglas Smith
2/15/06, 3:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
For the BaBar computing group:
Two years ago BaBar changed from using a database event storage technology to the use
of ROOT-files. This change drastically affected the simulation production within the
experiment, as well as the bookkeeping and the distribution of the data. Despite
these large changes to production, events were produced as needed and on time for
analysis. In fact the...
Hartmut Stadie
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Germany)
2/15/06, 4:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The detector and collider upgrades for the HERA-II running at DESY have considerably
increased the demand on computing resources for Monte Carlo production for the ZEUS
experiment. To close the gap, an automated production system capable of using Grid
resources has been developed and commissioned.
During its first year of operation, 400 000 Grid jobs were submitted by the
Dirk Duellmann Duellmann
(CERN IT/LCG 3D project)
2/15/06, 4:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The LCG Distributed Deployment of Databases (LCG 3D) project is a joint activity
between LHC experiments and LCG tier sites to co-ordinate the set-up of database
services and facilities for relational data transfers as part of the LCG
infrastructure. The project goal is to provide a consistent way of accessing database
services at CERN tier 0 and collaborating LCG tier sites to achieve a...
Miguel Branco
2/15/06, 4:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
To validate its computing model, ATLAS, one of the four LHC experiments, conducted in
Q4 of 2005 a Tier-0 scaling test. The Tier-0 is responsible for prompt reconstruction
of the data coming from the event filter, and for the distribution of this data and
the results of prompt reconstruction to the tier-1s. Handling the unprecedented data
rates and volumes will pose a huge challenge on the...
James Shank
(Boston University)
2/15/06, 5:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
We describe experiences and lessons learned from over a year of nearly continuous
running of managed production on Grid3 for the ATLAS data challenges. Two major
phases of production were peformed: the first, large scale GEANT based Monte Carlo
simulations ("DC2") were followed by extensive production for the ATLAS "Rome"
physics workshop incorporating several new job types (digitization,...
2/15/06, 5:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
Within 5 years CMS expects to be managing many tens of petabytes of data in tens of
sites around the world. This represents more than orderof magnitude increase in data
volume over existing HEP experiments. This presentation will describe the underlying
concepts and architecture of the CMS model for distributed data management, including
connections to the new CMS Event Data Model. The...
Jose Hernandez
2/15/06, 5:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
(For the CMS Collaboration)
Since CHEP04 in Interlaken, the CMS experiment has developed a baseline Computing
Model and a Technical Design for the computing system it expects to need in the first
years of LHC running. Significant attention was focused on the development of a data
model with heavy streaming at the level of the RAW data based on trigger physics
selections. We expect that...
Jens Rehn
2/16/06, 2:00โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
Distributed data management at LHC scales is a staggering task, accompanied by
equally challenging practical management issues with storage systems and wide-area
networks. CMS data transfer management system, PhEDEx, is designed to handle this
task with minimum operator effort, automating the workflows from large scale
distribution of HEP experiment datasets down to reliable and scalable...
Marco La Rosa
(University of Melbourne)
2/16/06, 2:20โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
In 2004 the Belle Experimental Collaboration reached a critical stage in their
computing requirements. Due to an increased rate of data collection an extremely
large amount of simulated (Monte Carlo) data was required to correctly analyse and
understand the experimental data. The resulting simulation effort consumed more CPU
power than was readily available to the experiment at the host...
Lassi Tuura
2/16/06, 2:40โฏPM
Distributed Event production and processing
oral presentation
The most significant data challenge for CMS in 2005 has been the LCG service
challenge 3 (SC3). For CMS the main purpose of the challenge was to exercise a
realistic LHC startup scenario using complete experiment system, in what concerns
transferring and serving data, submitting jobs and collecting their data, employing
the next-generation world-wide LHC computing service.
A number of...