Jukka Klem
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
Public resource computing uses the computing power of personal computers that belong
to the general public. LHC@home is a public-resource computing project based on the
BOINC (Berkeley Open Interface for Network Computing) platform. BOINC is an open
source software system, developed by the team behind SETI@home, that provides the
infrastructure to operate a public-resource computing project and run scientific
applications in a distributed way. In LHC@home, the first public-resource computing
application has been SixTrack, which simulates particles circulating around the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) ring in order to study the long-term stability of the particle
orbits. Other high-energy physics applications are being prepared for LHC@home.
Currently the system has about 8000 active users, 12000 active hosts and provides
about 3 TFlops sustained processing rate. Motivating users is a very important part
of this kind of project, and therefore LHC@home provides an attractive screen saver
and a credit based ranking system for the users. Benefits and limitations of the
public resource computing approach are explained and the results obtained with
LHC@home are presented.
Primary authors
Ignacio Reguero
Jukka Klem
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
Ben Segal
Christian Soettrup
Eric Mcintosh
Francois Grey
Frank Schmidt
Jakob Pedersen
Juan Lopez Perez
Markku Degerholm
Philippe Defert