Rodney Walker
The Condor-G meta-scheduling system has been used to create a single Grid of GT2
resources from LCG and GridX1, and ARC resources from NorduGrid. Condor-G provides
the submission interfaces to GT2 and ARC gatekeepers, enabling transparent submission
via the scheduler. Resource status from the native information systems is converted
to the Condor ClassAd format and used for matchmaking to job Requirements and Rank by
the Condor Negotiator. The use of custom external functions by the Negotiator during
matchmaking, provides versatility to develop job placement strategies. For example, a
function exist to use a matrix of CE-to-SE bandwidths, together with data location
information, to make 'network closeness' available to both Requirements and Rank
expressions. Other examples where such flexability can be applied are in implementing
a feedback loop to dynamically prefer successful or fast resources, and block
matching to blackholes. The Condor-G Grid of LCG resources has produced 180,000 jobs
during recent ATLAS productions, which matches the number produced by the LCG
Workload Management System in the same period. GridX1 resources were used for ATLAS
production in this way starting Autumn 2005. Simple jobs have been matched and ran on
the full Grid federation, including NorduGrid resources, and work is underway to make
use of advanced ARC features allowing Condor-G submission of ATLAS production on all
resource flavours.
Rodney Walker
Ashok Agarwal
Dan Vanderstser
Michael Gronager
Mike Vetterli
Randy Sobie