Moreno Marzolla
(INFN Padova)
Efficient and robust system for accessing computational resources and managing job
operations is a key component of any Grid framework designed to support large
distributed computing environment. CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And
Management) is a simple, minimal system designed to provide efficient processing of a
large number of requests for computation on managed resources. Requests are accepted
from distributed clients via a web-service based interface. The CREAM architecture is
designed to be a robust, scalable and fault tolerant service of a Grid middleware.
In this paper we describe the CREAM architecture and the provided functionality. We
also discuss how CREAM is integrated within the EGEE gLite middleware in general, and
with the gLite Workload Management System in particular.
Primary authors
Alessio Gianelle
(INFN Padova)
Alvise Dorigo
(INFN Padova)
Antonino Stefano Borgia
(INFN Padova)
Luigi Zangrando
(INFN Padova)
Massimo Sgaravatto
(INFN Padova)
Matteo Mordacchini
(INFN Padova)
Moreno Marzolla
(INFN Padova)
Paolo Andreetto
(INFN Padova)
A. Cavallini
A. Guarise
(INFN Torino)
A. Krenek
A. Maraschini
A. Parrini
A. Terracina
A. Werbrouck
(INFN Torino)
C. Scarcella
D. Kouril
D. Rebatto
(INFN Milano)
E. Molinari
(INFN Milano)
E. Ronchieri
(INFN Cnaf)
F. Dvorak
F. Giacomini
(INFN Cnaf)
F. Pacini
F. Prelz
(INFN Milano)
G. Avellino
G. Fiorentino
(INFN Milano)
G. Patania
(INFN Torino)
J. Pospisil
J. Sitera
J. Skrabal
L. Matyska
M. Cecchi
(INFN Cnaf)
M. Mezzadri
(INFN Milano)
M. Mulac
M. Pappalardo
(INFN Catania)
M. Ruda
M. Sottilaro
M. Vocu
R. Lops
(INFN Cnaf)
R. Piro
(INFN Torino)
S. Andreozzi
(INFN Cnaf)
S. Beco
S. Monforte
(INFN Catania)
T. Ferrari
(INFN Cnaf)
V. Ciaschini
(INFN Cnaf)
V. Martelli
(INFN Milano)
V. Venturi
(INFN Cnaf)
Z. Salvet