Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
DØ, one of two collider experiments at Fermilab's Tevatron, upgraded its DAQ system
for the start of Run II. The run started in March 2001, and the DAQ system was fully
operational shortly afterwards. The DAQ system is a fully networked system based on
Single Board Computers (SBCs) located in VME readout crates which forward their data
to a 250 node farm of commodity processors for trigger selection under the control of
a routing node interfaced to DØ's lower level hardware triggers. After a slow start,
the Tevatron has made a great deal of progress towards its luminosity goals and,
recently, has been breaking records almost every month. The Level 3 Trigger/DAQ
system has survived the increased demands placed on it by the high luminosity
running, but not without some modification and improvements. The basic design,
performance, and improvements will be discussed in this report, highlighting the
problems, scalability and configuration issues, and solutions we've encountered with
the high luminosity running.
Primary author
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
A. Haas
(University of Washington)
D. Chaplin
(Brown University)
D. Cutts
(Brown University)
G. Brooijmans
(Columbia University)
R. Hauser
(Michigan State University)
R. Rechenmacher
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
S. Synder
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)