2/13/06, 2:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The data-acquisition software framework DATE for the ALICE experiment at the LHC has
evolved over a period of several years. The latest version DATE V5 is geared for
deployment during the test and commissioning phase. The DATE software is designed to
runs on several hundred machines being installed with Scientific Linux CERN (SLC) to
handle the data streams of approximatly 400 optical...
Marco Pieri
(University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, USA)
2/13/06, 2:20โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The CMS Data Acquisition system is designed to build and filter events originating
from approximately 500 data sources from the detector at a maximum Level 1 trigger
rate of 100 kHz and with an aggregate throughput of 100 GByte/sec. For this purpose
different architectures and switch technologies have been evaluated. Events will be
built in two stages: the first stage, the FED Builder,...
marc dobson
2/13/06, 2:45โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The needs of ATLAS experiment at the upcoming LHC accelerator, CERN, in terms of data
transmission rates and processing power require a large cluster of computers (of the
order of thousands) administrated and exploited in a coherent and optimal manner.
Requirements like stability, robustness and fast recovery in case of failure impose a
server-client system architecture with servers...
Beat Jost
2/13/06, 3:05โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
LHCb is one of the four experiments currently under construction at Cern's LHC
accelerator. It is a single arm spectrometer designed to study CP violation the
B-meson system with high precision. This paper will describe the LHCb online system,
which consists of three sub-systems:
- The Timing and Fast Control (TFC) system, responsible for distributing the clock
and trigger decisions...
Ryosuke ITOH
2/13/06, 4:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The Belle experiment, which is a B-factory experiment at KEK in Japan, is currently
taking data with a DAQ system based on FASTBUS readout, switchless event building and
higher level trigger(HLT) farm. To cope with a higher trigger rate from the expected
sizeable increase in the accelerator luminosity in coming years, the upgrade of the
DAQ system is in progress. FASTBUS modules are...
Hans G. Essel
2/13/06, 4:20โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
At the upcoming new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR at GSI the
Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment CBM requires a new architecture of front-end
electronics, data acquisition, and event processing. The detector systems of CBM are
a Silicon Tracker System, RICH detectors, a TRD, RPCs, and an electromagnetic
calorimeter. The envisioned interaction rate of 10~MHz produces a...
William Badgett
2/13/06, 4:40โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The CDF Experiment's control and configuration system consists of several database
applications and supportive application interfaces in both Java and C++. The CDF
Oracle database server runson a SunOS platform and provide both configuration data,
real-time monitoring information and historical run conditions archiving. The Java
applications running on the Scientific Linux operating system...
Sylvain Chapeland
2/13/06, 5:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the heavy-ion detector designed to study
the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at the CERN
Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A large bandwidth and flexible Data Acquisition System
(DAQ) is required to collect sufficient statistics in the short running time
available per year for heavy ion and to accommodate very...
Benedetto Gorini
2/14/06, 2:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The Trigger and Data Acquisition system (TDAQ) of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN
Large Hadron Collider is based on a multi-level selection process and a hierarchical
acquisition tree. The system, consisting of a combination of custom electronics and
commercial products from the computing and telecommunication industry, is required to
provide an online selection power of 105 and a total...
Sebastian Neubert
(Technical University Munich)
2/14/06, 2:25โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
PANDA is a universal detector system, which is being designed in the scope of the
FAIR-Project at Darmstadt, Germany and is dedicated to high precision measurements of
hadronic systems in the charm quark mass region. At the HESR storage ring a beam of
antiprotons will interact with internal targets to achieve the desired luminosity of
2x10^32cm^-2s^-1. The experiment is designed for event...
Sebastian Robert Bablok
(Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Norway)
2/14/06, 2:45โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The HLT, integrating all major detectors of ALICE, is designed to analyse LHC events
online. A cluster of 400 to 500 dual SMP PCs will constitute the heart of the HLT
system. To synchronize the HLT with the other online systems of ALICE (Data
Acquisition (DAQ), Detector Control System (DCS), Trigger (TRG)) the Experiment
Control System (ECS) has to be interfaced. In order to do so, the...
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
2/14/06, 3:05โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
Dร, one of two collider experiments at Fermilab's Tevatron, upgraded its DAQ system
for the start of Run II. The run started in March 2001, and the DAQ system was fully
operational shortly afterwards. The DAQ system is a fully networked system based on
Single Board Computers (SBCs) located in VME readout crates which forward their data
to a 250 node farm of commodity processors for trigger...
Da-Peng JIN
(IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China))
2/14/06, 4:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
Physical study is the base of the hardware designs of the BES3 trigger system. It
includes detector simulations, generation and optimization of the sub-detectorsโ
trigger conditions, main trigger simulations (Combining the trigger conditions from
different detectors to find out the trigger efficiencies of the physical events and
the rejection factors of the backgrounds events.) and...
Hans von der Schmitt
(MPI for Physics, Munich),
Hans von der Schmitt
2/14/06, 4:20โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The ATLAS detector at CERN's LHC will be exposed to proton-proton collisions at a
nominal rate of 1 GHz from beams crossing at 40 MHz. A three-level trigger system
will select potentially interesting events in order to reduce this rate to about 200
Hz. The first trigger level is implemented in custom-built electronics and firmware,
whereas the higher trigger levels are based on software. A...
Gianluca Comune
(Michigan State University)
2/14/06, 4:40โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
This paper descibes an analysis and conceptual design for the steering of the ATLAS
High Level Trigger (HLT). The steering is the framework that organises the event
selection software. It implements the key event selection strategies of the ATLAS
trigger, which are designed to minimise processing time and data transfers:
reconstruction within regions of interest, menu-driven selection and...
Kostas Kordas
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF))
2/14/06, 5:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC will start taking data in 2007. Event data from
protonโproton collisions will be selected in a three level trigger system which
reduces the initial bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz at its first level trigger (LVL1)
to 75 kHz with a fixed latency of 2.5 ฮผs. The second level trigger (LVL2) collects
and analyses Regions of Interest (RoI) identified by LVL1 and...
Eric van Herwijnen
2/15/06, 2:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
LHCb has an integrated Experiment Control System (ECS), based on the commercial
SCADA system PVSS. The novelty of this control system is that, in addition to the
usual control and monitoring of all experimental equipment, it also provides control
and monitoring for software processes, namely the on-line trigger algorithms.
The trigger decisions are computed by algorithms on an event...
Wainer Vandelli
(Universitร and INFN Pavia)
2/15/06, 2:20โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
ATLAS is one of the four experiments under construction along the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) ring at CERN. The LHC will produce interactions at a center of mass
energy equal to $\sqrt s~=~14~TeV$ at a $40~MHz$ rate. The detector consists of more
than 140 million electronic channels. The challenging experimental environment and
the extreme detector complexity impose the necessity of a...
Doris Burckhart
2/15/06, 2:40โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The Atlas Data Acquisition (DAQ) and High Level Trigger (HLT) software system will be
comprised initially of 2000 PC nodes which take part in the control, event readout,
second level trigger and event filter operations. This high number of PCs will only
be purchased before data taking in 2007. The large CERN IT lxbatch facility provided
the opportunity to run in July 2005 online...
Christos Leonidopoulos
2/15/06, 3:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The Physics and Data Quality Monitoring framework (DQM) aims at providing a
homogeneous monitoring environment across various applications related to data taking
at the CMS experiment. Initially developed as a monitoring application for the 1000
dual-CPU box (High-Level) Trigger Farm, it quickly expanded its scope to accommodate
different groups across the experiment. The DQM organizes the...
Andrei Kazarov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI))
2/15/06, 4:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
In order to meet the requirements of ATLAS data taking, the ATLAS Trigger-DAQ system
is composed of O(1000) of applications running on more than 2000 computers in a
network. With such system size, s/w and h/w failures are quite often. To minimize
system downtime, the Trigger-DAQ control system shall include advanced verification
and diagnostics facilities. The operator should use tests and...
Benedetto Gorini
2/15/06, 4:20โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
This paper introduces the Log Service, developed at CERN within the ATLAS TDAQ/DCS
framework. This package remedies the long standing problem of attempting to direct
messages to the standard output and/or error in diskless nodes with no terminal. The
Log Service provides a centralized mechanism for archiving and retrieving qualified
information (Log Messages) created by TDAQ applications...
Christopher Pinkenburg
2/15/06, 4:40โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The PHENIX experiment took 2*10^9 CuCu events and more than 7*10^9 pp events during
Run5 of RHIC. The total stored raw data volume was close to 500 TB.
Since our DAQ bandwidth allowed us to store all events selected by the low level
triggers, we did not filter events with an online processor farm which we refer to as
level 2 trigger. Instead we ran the level 2 triggers offline in the...
Robert Bainbridge
(Imperial College London)
2/15/06, 5:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The CMS silicon strip tracker (SST), comprising a sensitive area of over 200m2 and
10M readout channels, is unprecedented in its size and complexity. The readout system
is based on a 128-channel analogue front-end ASIC, optical readout and an
off-detector VME board, using FPGA technology, that performs digitization, zero
suppression and data formatting before forwarding the detector data...
Catalin Meirosu
(CERN and "Politehnica" Bucharest)
2/16/06, 2:00โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The Trigger and Data Acquisition System of the ATLAS experiment is currently being
installed at CERN. A significant amount of computing resources will be deployed in
the Online computing system, in the close proximity of the ATLAS detector. More than
3000 high-performance computers will be supported by networks composed of about 200
Ethernet switches. The architecture of the networks was...
Michael DePhillips
2/16/06, 2:20โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The STAR experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy-Ion
Collider (RHIC) has been accumulating 100's of millions events over its already 5
years running program. Within a growing Physics demand for statistics, STAR has more
than doubled the events taken each year and is planning to increase its capability by
an order of magnitude to reach billion events capabilities...
Piotr Golonka
2/16/06, 2:40โฏPM
Online Computing
oral presentation
The control systems of the LHC experiments are built using the common commercial
product: PVSS II (from the ETM company). The JCOP Framework Project delivers a set
of common tools built on top of, or extending the functionality of, PVSS (such as
the control for widely used hardware, a Finite State Machine (FSM) toolkit, access
control management, cooling and ventilation application)...