Matevz Tadel
ALICE Event Visualization Environment (AEVE) is a general framework for visualization
of detector geometry and event-related data being developed for the ALICE experiment.
Its design is guided by the large raw event size (80 MBytes) and an even larger
footprint of a full simulation--reconstruction pass (1.5 TBytes). An extensible
pre-processing mechanism needed to reduce the data volume, collect cumulative
statistics, provide cross-indexing information and allow attachment of user-data is
presented. Data-selection is described with an emphasis on the usage of advanced
n-tuple management functionality of the ROOT framework (tree-friends and tree
indices). Data-flow and data-management are discussed in view of application steering
in a multi-threaded, input-limited environment. Overview of data-visualization and
data-interaction layer is made and techniques used to maximize presentation-layer
configurability are described. The article closes with a discussion of AEVE as a base
for construction of a wide range of end-user applications ranging from expert
debugging tools (read-out electronics, simulation and reconstruction code, detector
performance monitoring) to general event-display programs.
Matevz Tadel