5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

The problem of overlapping formation times

8 Feb 2017, 09:10
Regency C

Regency C


Peter Arnold (University of Virginia)


When high-energy partons traversing a quark-gluon plasma lose energy via bremsstrahlung or pair production, the quantum duration of that splitting process is known as the formation time. For high energy, the formation time exceeds the mean free time for collisions with the medium, leading to a significant reduction in the splitting rate: the LPM effect. But there are interesting and potentially important corrections to the usual treatment of the LPM effect that arise from situations where the formation times of two consecutive splittings overlap each other, and various attempts have been made over the years to account for these effects. I will summarize recent research on computing the effect of overlapping formation times, while avoiding soft-bremsstrahlung assumptions that have been used in some of the (very interesting) theoretical work of the last few years. I will also explain the bottom line of why finding the size of these effects has potentially important conceptual implications for the Monte Carlo treatment of in-medium splitting of high-energy partons.

Preferred Track Jets and High pT Hadrons
Collaboration Not applicable


Peter Arnold (University of Virginia)


Dr Shahin Iqbal (National Centre for Physics)

Presentation materials