In this work, we explore the interplay between soft (low-$p_T$) and hard (high-$p_T$) particles
in the hadronic phase
of Pb+Pb collisions with $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02\,\textrm{TeV}$
and $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76\,\textrm{TeV}$ at the LHC.
The partonic jet energy loss is handled by MARTINI in our simulations,
given that the bulk dynamics of the QCD medium is calculated
with the IP-Glasma pre-thermalization dynamics and the second-order viscous hydrodynamics.
The jet-medium interaction in the hadronic stage is handled by the the UrQMD model
which governs the post-particlization dynamics.
It is found that the mini-jets and their interaction with medium become crucial
as one extends the hybrid approach toward the intermediate and higher $p_T$ regime.
Description of the particle spectra can be improved with mini-jets and their energy loss.
We present results for the $p_T$-spectra, nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$
and the $p_T$-differential flow harmonics
of charged and identified (non-strange and strange) hadrons,
with an emphasis on the collisional energy loss of jets in the hadronic phase.
In addition, it will be demonstrated that
inclusion of the hadronic collisions can change determination of the jet-medium interaction,
such as the strong coupling $\alpha_S$, in QGP phase.
Preferred Track | Jets and High pT Hadrons |
Collaboration | Not applicable |