Thierry Stora
CERN-MEDICIS aims at producing radioisotope batches by collection from mass separated radioactive beams for medical applications. To fulfil its goal, a new dedicated target irradiation station has been designed and tested in the HRS beam dump. A Radiation Hard Rail Conveyor System, developed within a technology transfer project, transports the targets for irradiation and back for isotope extraction. Several aspects of the facility have been designed and are under construction, such as the personnal and material access system and the target storage. The LISOL dipole magnet is being delivered to CERN for refurbishement before installation. In parallel with the construction of the facility, the CERN-MEDICIS collaboration is active and expands further, highly benefiting from the MEDICIS-PROMED Marie Curie network that started this year. In a final part of the presentation, we will show how CERN-MEDICIS fits within the existing network of facilities producing medical isotopes.
Thierry Stora