Seung Joon Lee
I will discuss about the theoretical perspective of measuring Higgs potential at FCC, which is one of the major goals. I will first talk abouta phenomenological study of triple-Higgs production in which we estimate the prospects for measuring the form of the Higgs potential at FCC, focusing on the sensitivity on the Higgs cubic and quartic self-interactions. I will discuss possible luminosity
goals for future 100 TeV collider projects that would allow for a measurement of the Higgs potential and its possible departures from the Standard Model expectation.
Lastly, I will discuss about a class of models where the electroweak symmetry is broken by strong dynamics with Higgs boson appears near a quantum critical point. I will show that measuring the Higgs potential is a way to test the possible non-mean-field behavior.
Seung Joon Lee
Benjamin Fuks
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
Brando Bellazzini
Csaba Csaki
(Cornell University)
Javier Serra Mari
Jay Hubisz
(Syracuse University)
Jeong Han Kim
John Terning
(UC Davis)