Council - Hundred-and-seventy-seventh Session
60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F) (CERN)

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


Show room on map
from Thursday 17 September 2015 (09:30) to Friday 18 September 2015 (14:05)

Thursday 17 September 2015


9.30: Restricted Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Report of the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes
   2.1 Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Seventy-Sixth Session of Council – Restricted and Closed Sessions
CERN/3193/RA/Draft English French
   2.2 Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Seventy-Sixth Session of Council – Open Session
CERN/3194/Draft English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/3195/Rev.2 English French
4. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
5. President’s Report
6. Director-General’s Report
7. Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN
8. Framework for Co-operation with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
CERN/3208/RA English French
9. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
10. Standing Advisory Committee on Audits (SACA)
   10.1 Report on the SACA meeting held on 9 September 2015 (Ms C. Jamieson, Chair of SACA)
   10.2 New questions from delegations
11. Scientific Policy Committee
   11.1 Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. T. Nakada)
   11.2 New questions from delegations
12. LHC Matters
   12.1 Status report on the start-up activities (Dr F. Bordry - Oral)
   12.2 Status Report on the LHC Experiments and Computing (Dr S. Bertolucci - Oral)
   12.3 Open Science Cloud (Mr B. Jones - Oral)
13. Plan of measures - Impact of the recent Swiss franc appreciation: Proposal by the Management - September 2015
CERN/FC/5931 CERN/3196 English French Slides
14. Medium-Term Plan for the Period 2016-2020 and Draft Budget of the Organization for the sixty-second Financial Year 2016
CERN/SPC/1050 CERN/FC/5932 CERN/3197 English French Slides
15. Proposal for authorization to derogate from the standard procurement framework applicable at CERN for projects partially funded by the European Union
CERN/FC/5935/RA/Rev. CERN/3203/RA/Rev. English French
16. Proposal for an amendment to Article 9 of the CERN Procurement Rules “Requirements without competitive tendering”
CERN/FC/5949/RA CERN/3207/RA English French
17. Status report on CERN’s activities for medical applications
CERN/3206 English French
18. Confirmation of access status of the documents of the session
19. Other Business
14.00: Closed Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Enlargement Process
   1.1 Amendment to the Agreement between CERN and the Republic of Cyprus concerning the granting of the status of Associate Membership as the Pre-stage to Membership at CERN: Extension of the deadline for internal approval of the Agreement by the Republic of Cyprus
CERN/3204/RA English French
   1.2 Amendment to the Agreement between CERN and Ukraine concerning the granting of the status of Associate Member at CERN: Extension of the deadline for the notification of the completion of the internal approval procedures of the Agreement by Ukraine
CERN/3205/RA English French
   1.3 Application for Associate Membership by India - Establishmentof the fact-finding Task Force
Application file Letter
   1.4 Application for Associate Membership by Azerbaijan - Assessment of the application
Application file Letter
   1.5 Update on the remaining applications for Membership and for Associate Membership (Director-General)
   1.6 Expressions of interest by other non-Member States (Director-General)
2. CERN Organisational Structure and Management Positions for the Years 2016 to 2020 by the Director-General Designate
CERN/SPC/1051/RA CERN/3198/RA English French Slides
3. Elections – Council
   3.1 Next President of Council: 1. Interview of candidates 2. Convergence on a single candidate 3. Formal election
   3.2 One Vice-President of Council List of nominations received
   3.3 Call for nominations FC Vice-Chairman
4. Procedure for selecting and appointing the Director-General of CERN
   4.1 Summary of the activities of the DG Search Committee 2014
Slides White paper
   4.2 Proposed amendments to the procedure
CERN/2329/Rev.3 English French Slides White Paper
5. Confirmation of access status of the documents of the session
6. Other Business
Friday 18 September 2015


9.00: Restricted Session - European Strategy Matters (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Report of the Credentials Committee
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Matters arising from Previous Meeting
4. President's Report
5. Director-General's Report
6. Member State matters
7. ECFA Matters
   7.1 Report on ECFA Activities
CERN/SPC/1052 CERN/3199 English French
   7.2 Report on ICFA meeting (Prof. H. Abramowicz - Oral)
8. Report ATTRACT (Mr M. Nordberg - Oral)
9. Report on the implementation of the CERN-EC MoU
CERN/SPC/1053/RA CERN/3200/RA English French
10. Report from the Communication Network (Dr J.Gillies)
CERN/SPC/1055 CERN/3202 English Slides
11. Report from IPPOG (Mr H. Beck - Oral)
12. Status Report – Technology Transfer Network (HEP) (Dr I. Tracey)
CERN/SPC/1054 CERN/3201 English French Slides
13. Report on Beamline for Schools (BL4S) competition (Dr C. Rembser - Oral)
14. Confirmation of the access status of the documents of the session
15. Other Business
--- 12.50: VISIT and LUNCH to EAST HALL - Bldg 157 ---