Extensive measurements of azimuthal anisotropy
in heavy-ion collisions, have provided invaluable
insights on the expansion dynamics and the transport properties of the
strongly interacting matter produced in collisions at RHIC and the LHC.
However, recently a number of measurements from high-multiplicity collisions
in small systems at RHIC and LHC, such as p+p, p+A, or d+Au, have found strong
presence of flow-like collective effects.
A crucial open question is whether a fundamental change occurs in the
reaction dynamics and the particle production mechanism, when the
collision system-size is reduced from the values produced in central and
mid-central heavy-ion collisions, to those obtained in small systems.
In recent experiments, the PHENIX Collaboration has made detailed differential
measurements of anisotropic flow coefficients $v_n$ of charged hadrons emerged
from p+Au, d+Au and 3He+Au collisions at 200 GeV.
The results from these measurements will be presented and discussed.
Detailed comparisons to different model predictions and LHC data will be shown
as appropriate.