151 / 151
Erik Adli
(University of Oslo (NO))
- Speaker at Plans for CALIFES
- Namra Aftab (PINSTECH)
Davide Aguglia
- Speaker at Status of the modulator for CLIC MBK
Avni Aksoy
(Ankara University Institute of Accelerator Technologies (TR))
- Speaker at X-band Based FEL proposal
- Niloufar Alipour Tehrani (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
Alexander Aloev
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Speaker at Magnetized muon absorbers.
- Andrey Baikov
Philip Bambade
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
- Speaker at Summary of the LAL-ATF meeting
Cafer Bayar
(Ankara University Institute of Accelerator Technologies (TR))
- Speaker at CLIC Positron source
- Carolina Belver Aguilar (CERN)
Alfonso Benot Morell
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
- Speaker at DB BPM inCTF, experimental results
- Michele Bergamaschi (CERN)
Mikael Berggren
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Speaker at BSM physics at CLIC
- Axel Bernhard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Douglas Robert Bett
- Speaker at Active ground motion feedforward in ATF2
Oscar Roberto Blanco Garcia
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
- Speaker at 2-D Oide effect
Ryan Michael B Bodenstein
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Speaker at DFS knobs in the FFS tuning
- Marçà Boronat (IFIC - CSIC)
- Oleksandr Borysov (Tel Aviv University (IL))
Igor Boyko
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Speaker at Study of the reaction e+e- -> gamma gamma
Matthew Daniel Buckland
(University of Liverpool (GB))
- Speaker at TCAD Simulations of CCPDv3 Pixel Structures
Szymon Bugiel
(AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
- Speaker at SOI pixel R&D
Philip Nicholas Burrows
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Speaker at CLIC machine status, plans and outlook
- Michael Campbell (CERN)
- Nuria Catalan Lasheras (CERN)
Jim Clarke
- Speaker at Permanent magnets with adjustable strength
- Roberto Corsini (CERN)
André David
- Speaker at First LHC physics observations at 13 TeV
- Nikkie Deelen (NIKHEF (NL))
Steffen Doebert
- Speaker at Status of the CLIC MBK klystron(s)
- Speaker at TBL update
Valery Dolgashev
- Speaker at Recent high gradient tests at SLAC
- Fernando Duarte Ramos (CERN)
Eckhard Elsen
- Speaker at Welcome
Konrad Elsener
- Speaker at Note on the new detector model + discussion
Wencheng Fang
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Speaker at Progress in C and X-band technology
Wilfrid Farabolini
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
- Speaker at CLEX module results and CALIFES experiments
- Speaker at CTF3 module experience
- Speaker at Irradiation tests in the CALIFES beam line - Beam Conditions
Angeles Faus-Golfe
- Speaker at ATF2 status and plans
Adrian Fiergolski
- Speaker at Status on CLICdp readout systems
Christian Fleper
(Universität Siegen)
- Speaker at Vector Boson Scattering (W,Z) at CLIC
Florence Friebel
- Speaker at CTF3 Laser status
Nuria Fuster Martinez
- Speaker at Collimation in ATF2
Wei Gai
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Speaker at News from Argonne's AWA
Natalia Galindo Munoz
- Speaker at Accelerating structure alignment
- Davide Gamba (University of Oxford (GB))
Ignacio Garcia
- Speaker at Cooling of Ultra-Thin Pixel Detectors
- Speaker at Top physics at CLIC
- Laura Garcia Fajardo (CERN)
Ignacio Garcia Garcia
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
- Speaker at Cooling of Ultra-Thin Pixel Detectors
- Hossein Ghasem (IPM - Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
- Veta Ghenescu (ISS - Institute of Space Science (RO))
- Jorge Giner Navarro (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
- Steven Green (University of Cambridge (GB))
Igor Guzilov
- Speaker at Status of the S-band MBK development at VDBT
- Yanliang Han (Shandong University (CN))
Christoph Hessler
- Speaker at PHIN Status
Toshiyasu Higo
- Speaker at High-gradient testing news from KEK
Victoria Hill
(Lancaster University)
- Speaker at The klystron with multi-harmonic cavities
Janne Holma
- Speaker at CLIC DR kicker inductive adders
Daniel Hynds
- Speaker at Pattern Recognition for Track Reconstruction
Marek Jacewicz
(Uppsala University (SE))
- Speaker at Breakdown Tomography with Emitted Electrons
- Jakub Alexander Jaros
- Sumera Javeed (PINSTECH)
Morten Jensen
(European Spallation Source)
- Speaker at Status of the L-band MBK IOT for ESS
Jan Henryk Kalinowski
(University of Warsaw (PL))
- Speaker at Single-photon processes at e+e- colliders
- Maria Kastriotou (University of Liverpool (GB))
- Robert Kieffer (CERN)
Anders Jaakko Korsback
(University of Helsinki (FI))
- Speaker at Breakdown statistics: dc and rf
- Iraklis Kremastiotis (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Katja Kruger
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Speaker at AHCAL status and plans
- Beata Krupa (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
Marcin Kucharczyk
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Speaker at Hidden Valleys
- Lukasz Jerzy Lacny (Cracow University of Technology (PL))
Andrea Latina
- Speaker at Polishing the FFS tuning algorimths
Aharon Levy
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Speaker at Report from the Publication Committee
- Itamar Levy (Tel Aviv University (IL))
Reidar Lunde Lillestol
(CERN/Uni. Oslo)
- Speaker at Wake Field Monitor results
- Speaker at Wakefield monitors
Mikael Lindholm
- Speaker at Optimised RF unit
- Chris Lingwood (Lancaster Univeristy)
Lucie Linssen
- Speaker at CLICdp plans for the next European strategy update, and beyond
- Speaker at CLICdp welcome and news
- Mikhail Lyablin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Alexey Lyapin (RHUL)
Helene Mainaud Durand
- Speaker at PACMAN impact on future module design
Lukas Malina
(University of Oslo (NO))
- Speaker at Stability and reproducibility in CTF3
- Marcello Mannelli (CERN)
- Barbara Marchetti (DESY)
- Eduardo Marin Lacoma (CERN)
John Marshall
(University of Cambridge)
- Speaker at CLICdp: Physics and Analysis
- Gerard Mcmonagle (CERN)
- Antti Merilainen (University of Helsinki)
Michele Modena
- Speaker at MDI short presentation
- Speaker at MDI status
- Speaker at Octupoles procurement to ATF2
Risto Montonen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
- Speaker at Measurement of internal alignment
- Jakub Moron (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
Ruth Magdalena Munker
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
- Speaker at CLICpix Planar Sensor Test Beam Results
Danish Ali Nawaz
(Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PK))
- Speaker at Drive Beam electron source controls
- Jeff Neilson (SLAC)
Nikiforos Nikiforou
- Speaker at Reconstruction with DD4hep
Jim Alexander Ogren
(Uppsala University (SE))
- Speaker at In-SEM high-gradient studies
Thorsten Ohl
(Würzburg University)
- Speaker at CLICdp: Physics and Analysis
- Parthena Stefania Papadopoulou (University of Crete (GR))
Marcin Patecki
(CERN, Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
- Speaker at ultra low beta* in ATF2
Dario Pellegrini
- Speaker at PLACET2 simulations of the CLIC DB Recombination complex (To be confirmed)
- Speaker at Status of PLACET2
Kevin Pepitone
- Speaker at Drive Beam electron source
- Colin Perry (University of Oxford)
- Tobias Hakan Bjorn Persson (CERN)
Marko Petric
- Speaker at ILCDirac and Grid production
- Speaker at The new CLIC detector model
Juergen Pfingstner
(University of Oslo (NO))
- Speaker at PETS on/off option for on-line DFS
- Sam Pitman (University of Lancaster)
Fabien Plassard
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Speaker at Rebaselining and longer L* for CLIC and ATF2
- Juliette Plouin (CEA)
Robin Rajamaki
(Helsinki University of Technology (FI))
- Speaker at Breakdown positioning
Jack Roberts
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Speaker at Drive Beam phase feed-forward results
Aidan Robson
(University of Glasgow (GB))
- Speaker at Report from the Institute Board meeting
Enrique Rodriguez Castro
(University of Vigo (ES))
- Speaker at Crab-cavity SEM analysis
Philipp Roloff
- Speaker at Higgs physics at CLIC
- Speaker at Update on physics benchmark studies
Andre Sailer
- Speaker at Simulation with DDSim
- Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Jiahang Shao (Tsinghua University and Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jiaru Shi (Tsinghua University)
- Purushottam Shrivastava (Raja Ramanna Centre for Adv. Tech. (IN))
- Eva Sicking (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
Rosa Simoniello
- Speaker at Track Fitting
- Speaker at Tracker optimisation
Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski
- Speaker at CTF3 Operation in 2015
- Speaker at Recent results from CTF3
- Jochem Snuverink (CERN, RHUL)
Szymon Krzysztof Sroka
- Speaker at CLIC Tracker Mechanics Studies
- Speaker at Tracker layout options
Arnaud Steen
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
- Speaker at SDHCAL status and plans
Igor Syratchev
- Speaker at Electrons bunching quality, special issues
- Speaker at Summary of the high-efficiency day
Marco Szalay
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
- Speaker at Higgs mass from H->bb at 350 GeV
- Toru Takeshita (Shinshu University (JP))
- Maris Tali (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
- Sami Tantawi (SLAC)
Frank Tecker
- Speaker at Beam Loading Dog-leg experiment status
- Jack Raymond Towler (University of London (GB))
Vladislav Tsarev
- Speaker at Very high efficiency IOT with 3 cavities
Aysegul Usun Simitcioglu
(Ankara University Institute of Accelerator Technologies (TR))
- Speaker at Spin tracking in the BDS
Pierpaolo Valerio
- Speaker at Update on the CLICpix2 Chip
Alex Vamvakas
- Speaker at Lab. Module update
Naomi Van Der Kolk
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
- Speaker at Report from the Speakers Committee
- Laszlo Varga (Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
Mateus Vicente Barreto Pinto
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Speaker at News on the ATLAS CCPD concept
Marcel Vos
(IFIC Valencia (ES))
- Speaker at CLIC detector and physics: status and plans
- Quentin Vuillemin
Dan Wang
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Speaker at W-band high-gradient wakefield generation
Ping Wang
- Speaker at Multi-stage pulse compressors
- Ben Woolley (CERN)
Walter Wuensch
- Speaker at High-gradient acceleration: CLIC and beyond
- Boruo Xu (University of Cambridge (GB))
Aleksander Filip Zarnecki
(University of Warsaw)
- Speaker at CLICdp: Physics and Analysis
- Speaker at Production of Inert Scalars at the e+e- Linear Colliders
- Riccardo Zennaro (PSI)
Hao Zha
- Speaker at CLIC-G*: Design and HOM optimization
- Speaker at Superconducting CLIC DB Linac scheme
- Panagiotis Zisopoulos (CERN)
- Silvia Zorzetti (CERN)