10–16 Jul 2016
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
XIIth Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Composite models for 750 GeV diphoton excess at the LHC

13 Jul 2016, 11:20


Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Physics at Colliders Parallel II


Dr Chaehyun Yu (Academia Sinica)


The diphoton excess at 750 GeV would make a definite signal of new physics beyond the Standard Model, if it is confirmed. We consider a possibility that the excess is due to a composite (pseudo)scalar boson, whose constituents are either new vector-like quarks ($Q\overline{Q}$) or scalar quarks
($\widetilde{Q} \widetilde{Q}^\dagger$) which feel new QCD-like vectorlike confining force
with confinement scale $\Lambda_h$.
Assuming $m_Q (m_{\widetilde Q}) \gg \Lambda_h$, the observed 750 GeV excess could be
either $Q\overline{Q} (^1S_0)$ state with $J^{PC} = 0^{-+}$ or
$\widetilde{Q} \widetilde{Q}^\dagger (^1S_0)$ state with $J^{PC}=0^{++}$.
For the $Q\bar{Q}$ scenario, there will be a spin-triplet partner $\psi_Q$ which is slightly
heavier that $\eta_Q$ because of the hyper fine interactions mediated by h-gluon exchange.
We consider productions and decays of $\eta_Q, \eta_{\widetilde Q}$ and $\psi_Q$ using
the nonrelativistic QCD methods, and identify the parameter regions which can explain
the observed diphoton excess. We discuss how to test these scenarios using the Drell-Yan process for $\psi_Q$ case, and the dijet azimuthal angular distributions to determine the
$J^{PC}$ quantum number of the diphoton excess. This model predicts a new bound state, which is color-singlet in the new QCD, but color-octet in ordinary QCD. We estimate the production cross section of the color-octet bound state at the LHC, which would be a new signal at the LHC.

Primary author

Dr Chaehyun Yu (Academia Sinica)


Tzu-Chiang Yuan (Academia Sinica) pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))

Presentation materials