10–16 Jul 2016
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
XIIth Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Lepton flavor violation processes in the charged lepton sector in minimal lepton flavor violation models

12 Jul 2016, 15:55


Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Precision Experiments and "Low­energy" Probes of Physics Beyond the Standard Model Parallel IV


Dr Nguyen Dinh Dinh (Institute of Physics, Hanoi, Vietnam)


In this report, we study lepton flavor violation in some typical scenarios of minimal lepton flavor violation (MLFV). We introduce briefly the MLFV models in the three following scenarios: i, the Standard Model (SM) field content basing on lepton flavor group $G_{LF}=SU(3)_L\times SU(3)_{E_R}$; the see-saw type I field contents with three heavy right-handed neutrinos, and the lepton flavor group $G_{ELF}=SU(3)_L\times SU(3)_{E_R}\times SU(3)_{\nu_R}=G_{LF}\times SU(3)_{\nu_R}$, in cases: ii, $SU(3)_{\nu_R}\rightarrow O(3)_{\nu_R} \times {\rm CP}$; and iii, $SU(3)_L\times SU(3)_{\nu_R}\rightarrow SU(3)_{L+\nu_R}$. Then the rates of LFV processes, such as $\ell\to \ell'+\gamma$, $\mu-e$ conversion, and $\ell\to 3\ell'$ will be introduced and analyzed using the current neutrino oscillation experimental data.


Dr Nguyen Dinh Dinh (Institute of Physics, Hanoi, Vietnam)

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