10–16 Jul 2016
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
XIIth Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Current status of Dark Energy and beyond

12 Jul 2016, 09:30


Quy Nhon, Vietnam


Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo University of Science)


We present recent observational bounds on dark energy constrained by the type Ia supernovae, cosmic microwave background, and baryon acoustic oscillations. We review a number of theoretical approaches that have been adopted so far to explain the origin of dark energy. This includes the cosmological constant, modified matter models (such as quintessence, k-essence), and modified gravity models (such as f(R) gravity, Galileons, Horndeski theories, massive gravity or vector theories). We distinguish between such theoretical models by taking into account recent observational data of red-shift space distortions and solar-system constraints.

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