10–16 Jul 2016
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
XIIth Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Constraints on preinflation fluctuations in a nearly flat open $\Lambda_{\rm CDM}$ cosmology

13 Jul 2016, 09:50


Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Inflation and alternatives, Strings, Cosmology Parallel VI


Dr Lan NGUYEN (Hanoi National University of Education)


We analyze constraints on parameters characterizing the pre-inflating universe  in an open inflation model with a present slightly open $\Lambda_{\rm CDM}$ universe.  We employ an analytic model to show that for a broad class of inflation-generating effective potentials, the simple requirement that some fraction of the observed dipole moment represents a pre-inflation isocurvature fluctuation allows one to set upper and lower limits on  the magnitude and wavelength scale of preinflation  fluctuations in the inflaton field, and the curvature of the preinflation universe, as a function of the fraction of the total initial energy density in the inflaton field as inflation begins. We estimate that if the preinflation contribution to the current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) dipole  is near the upper limit set by the Planck Collaboration then the current constraints on $\Lambda_{\rm CDM}$ cosmological parameters allow for the possibility of a significantly open $\Omega_i < 0.4$ preinflating universe for a broad range of the fraction of the total energy in the inflaton field at the onset of inflation. This limit to $\Omega_i$ is even smaller if a larger dark-flow tilt is allowed.


We analyze constraints on parameters characterizing the pre-inflating universe  in an open inflation model with a present slightly open CDM universe.  We employ an analytic model to show that for a broad class of inflation-generating effective potentials, the simple requirement that some fraction of the observed dipole moment represents a pre-inflation isocurvature fluctuation allows one to set upper and lower limits on  the magnitude and wavelength scale of preinflation  fluctuations in the inflaton field, and the curvature of the preinflation universe, as a function of the fraction of the total initial energy density in the inflaton field as inflation begins. We estimate that if the preinflation contribution to the current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) dipole  is near the upper limit set by the Planck Collaboration then the current constraints on CDM cosmological parameters allow for the possibility of a significantly open i < 0.4 preinflating universe for a broad range of the fraction of the total energy in the inflaton field at the onset of inflation. This limit to i is even smaller if a larger dark-flow tilt is allowed.


Dr Lan NGUYEN (Hanoi National University of Education)

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