10–16 Jul 2016
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
XIIth Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

String cosmological models in $f(R,T)$ gravity

Not scheduled


Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Inflation and alternatives, Strings, Cosmology


Prof. Pradyumn Kumar Sahoo (Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus)


Non-singular Bianchi-III and $VI_0$ string cosmological models filled with perfect fluid in the framework of $f(R,T)$ gravity are presented. The model initially accelerates for a certain period of time and decelerates thereafter. The physical behaviour
of the model is also studied.


We have studied Bianchi type-III and $VI_0$ metrics in $f(R,T)$ gravity proposed by Harko et al. (2011). We have considered the source of matter as perfect fluid with one dimensional strings. Exact solutions of the $f(R,T)$ gravity field equations are obtained by choosing a special value for the average scale factor of the model which corresponds to a time-dependent deceleration parameter. The string tension density vanishes for Bianchi-III whereas for Bianchi-$VI_0$ it exist. In both the cases the energy density is positive and decreasing function of time. The physical parameters $\theta, H, \sigma^2$ are decreasing function of time and tend to zero as $t\rightarrow-\infty$ for both the models. Since $\frac{\sigma^2}{\theta^2}\neq0$, both the models are anisotropic throughout the evolution of the universe.

Primary author

Prof. Pradyumn Kumar Sahoo (Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus)

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