6–12 Mar 2016
Costa da Caparica, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Finite-T Lattice QCD - Baryons in the Quark Gluon Plasma

8 Mar 2016, 11:35
Costa da Caparica, Portugal

Costa da Caparica, Portugal

Ever Caparica - Beach & Conference Hotel Av. General Humberto Delgado, 47 2829-506 Costa da Caparica Portugal


Benjamin Jäger (Swansea University)


Studying baryons across the deconfinement transition allows us to test symmetries in the hadronic and the deconfined phase. Looking at baryonic correlation functions and their spectral decompositions, we find evidence that parity and chiral symmetry are restored in the Quark Gluon Plasma. We present a systematic study of the nucleon and the delta resonance, and elaborate on the lattice techniques used in this study.


Benjamin Jäger (Swansea University)

Presentation materials