9:00 AM
Collimation system review
Javier Resta Lopez
(JAI, Oxford University)
9:20 AM
FFS review, options and tuning
Andrei Seryi
9:40 AM
Post-Collision line review
Edda Gschwendtner
10:00 AM
From 500GeV to 3TeV
Deepa Angal-Kalinin
(Daresbuy Laboratory)
10:20 AM
11:00 AM
BDS collective effects review
Giovanni Rumolo
11:15 AM
Solenoid and SR effects
Barbara Dalena
11:30 AM
Polishing collimation optics
Frank Jackson
11:45 AM
HTGEN and muons in the CLIC BDS
Helmut Burkhardt
12:00 PM
Dielectric collimators
Alexei Kanareykin
12:15 PM
2:00 PM
Beam-beam background estimates
Barbara Dalena
2:15 PM
Very Forward Region and Beam-Beam-Background
Andre Philippe Sailer
(Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
2:30 PM
Electromagnetic background from the spent beamline
Michael Salt
(University of Manchester)
2:45 PM
Energy stages overview
Daniel Schulte
3:00 PM
Luminosity overview
Roberto Corsini
3:15 PM
Risk registry, limitations, solutions and implications
Andrei Seryi
4:00 PM
4:10 PM
Frequency Multiplication system design for the Drive Beam
Caterina Biscari
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
4:40 PM
4:50 PM
First calculations on Beam Loading in the CLIC RF deflectors
David Alesini
5:10 PM
5:20 PM
Ring to Main Linac beam transport
Frank Stulle
5:40 PM